Publication Subvention
With support from the Roger W. Weiss and Howard Mayer Brown Fund, the Newberry offers up to $8,000 to subsidize the publication of a scholarly book or books on European civilization before 1700 in the areas of music, theater, cultural studies, or French or Italian literature.

Awardees use the publication subvention award for one of two purposes:
- To publish a work in a particularly appropriate way (for example, with special typography plates or appendices) that would otherwise be prohibitively expensive.
- To reach a wider audience by significantly reducing the cover price of the publication.
In evaluating applications for the award, preference will be given to publications that:
- Are unique, unusual in concept or execution, or that diverge from the normal output of a given publishing house or entity; or
- Bring into print previously unpublished source materials; or
- Promise to reach the broadest possible audience for the type of book envisioned.
Application Materials
Applicants must provide the following:
- A publication abstract of no more than two pages. The abstract should include the title, summary, detailed physical description of the volume, and an expected publication date.
- A current Curriculum Vitae (CV) of no more than five pages. Please use the following commonly accepted terms to describe any forthcoming publications:
- “in progress” - not yet completed or submitted
- “submitted” - currently under review at a journal or press
- “accepted” - contracted for publication; currently under revision
- “in press” - in the hands of a copy editor, typesetter, or printer
- A copy of the publication contract.
- Copies of the reader reports on the manuscript or equivalent outside evaluations.
- A production budget and schedule of no more than one page. This document should include the specific costs that the publication subvention award will be use for , as well as the publisher’s deadline for the receipt of funds.
Ready to apply for this award? You can fill out an application on the Newberry's SlideRoom portal. Applications are due by 11:59pm (CT) on January 3.
Applicants will be notified of their status in late April/early May. The award will be paid to the publisher. As a condition of accepting funds, publishers must include an acknowledgement of the award in the publication and provide the Newberry with a copy of the book.
Past Awardees
Michael Anderson
Associate Professor, Musicology, University of Rochester
Music and Performance in the Book of Hours
Jean Brink
Professor Emeritus, Literature, Arizona State University
Rivall Friendship
Craig Koslofsky
Professor, History, University of Illinois
Stigma: Marking Skin in the Early Modern World
Matthew Shoaf
Independent Scholar
Monumental Sounds: Art and Listening before Dante
Elizabeth L’Estrange
Lecturer in Art History at the University of Birmingham
Anne de Graville and Early Modern Book Culture in France
Francesco Lucioli
Assistant Professor of Literature at University College Dublin
“Transformations” of the “Orlando Furioso”: On the “Popular” Reception of Ariosto’s Poem
Nina Rowe
Associate Professor of Art History at Fordham University
The Illuminated World Chronicles: Tales from the Late Medieval City
Emanuele Lugli
Assistant Professor of History of Art at the University of York
The Making of Measure and the Promise of Sameness
Maddalena Signorini
Associate Professor of Literature at Universitá di Roma Tor Vergata
‘Tracce’ petrarchesche. Storia e significato di una prassi scrittoria
Amanda Wunder
Associate Professor of History at City University of New York, Lehman College and Graduate Center
The Spanish Style: Fashion and Experience in the Reign of Philip IV (1621-1665)
Arielle Saiber
Associate Professor of Literature at Bowdoin College
Weiss/Brown Publication Subvention Award
Computation and Writing in Renaissance Italy
Sharon Davenport
Retired Scholar
Weiss/Brown Publication Subvention Award
The Bar Books: Manuscripts Illuminated for Renaud de Bar, Bishop of Metz (1303-1316)
Antonio Iurilli
Professor of Literature at the University of Palermo
Weiss/Brown Publication Subvention Award
Quinto Orazio Flacco Annali delle Edizioni a Stampa Secoli XV-XVIII
Frances Gage
Associate Professor of Renaissance and Baroque Art, SUNY Buffalo State
Weiss-Brown Publication Subvention Recipient
Painting as Medicine in Early Modern Rome: Giulio Mancini and the Efficacy of Art
Julia Miller
Professor of Art History, California State University, Long Beach
Weiss-Brown Publication Subvention Recipient
Co-Author of From Giotto to Botticelli: The Artistic Patronage of the Humiliati in Florence
Laurie Taylor-Mitchell
Independent Scholar of Art History
Weiss-Brown Publication Subvention Recipient
Co-Author of From Giotto to Botticelli: The Artistic Patronage of the Humiliati in Florence
Jesse Locker
Assistant Professor of Renaissance and Baroque Art, Portland State University
Weiss-Brown Publication Subvention Awards
“The Hands of Aurora”: Artemisia Gentileschi and the Language of Painting
Mara Wade
Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Weiss-Brown Publication Subvention Awards
The Palatine Wedding of 1613: Context, Celebration, and Consequence of an Anglo-German Alliance
Irit Kleiman
Assistant Professor of Romance Studies, Boston University
Weiss/Brown Publication Subvention Award
Philippe de Commynes: Memory, Betrayal, Text
Barbara Wisch and Nerida Newbigin
Professor Emerita of Art History, State University of New York, Cortland; and Professor Emerita of Italian Studies, University of Sydney, Australia
Acting on Faith: The Confraternity of the Gonfalone in Renaissance Rome
Suzanne Cusick
Associate Professor of Music, New York University
Weiss/Brown Publication Subvention Award
Francesca Caccini at the Medici Court: Music and the Circulation of Power
Shelley Perlove
Professor of Art History, University of Michigan-Dearborn
Weiss/Brown Publication Subvention Award
Rembrandt’s Faith: Church and Temple in the Dutch Golden Age
Larry Silver
Professor of the History of Art, University of Pennsylvania
Weiss/Brown Publication Subvention Award
Rembrandt’s Faith: Church and Temple in the Dutch Golden Age
Anne Derbes
Professor of Art History, Hood College
Weiss/Brown Publication Subvention
The Usurer’s Heart: Giotto, Enrico Scrovegni, and the Arena Chapel in Padua
Mark Sandona
Professor of English, Hood College
Weiss/Brown Publication Subvention
The Usurer’s Heart: Giotto, Enrico Scrovegni, and the Arena Chapel in Padu
Michael Wyatt
Lecturer in English, Stanford University
Weiss/Brown Publication Subvention
Writing Relations: American Scholars in Italian Archives, Essays in Honor of Franca Nardelli and Armando Petrucci
Margaret Bent
Senior Research Fellow in Music, All Souls College, Oxford University
Weiss/Brown Publication Subvention Award
Lucca, Archivio di Stato; Lucca, Archivio Arcivescovile; Pisa, Archivio Arcivescovile: The Lucca Choirbook
Elizabeth L’Estrange
Fellow in Art History, The Leverhulme Trust
Weiss/Brown Publication Subvention Award
Gender, Dynasty, and Spectatorship: Female Viewers and Maternal Imagery in the Late Middle Ages
Nina Treadwell
Assistant Professor of Music, University of California at Santa Cruz
Weiss/Brown Publication Subvention Award
Music, Wonder, and the “Mystery of State”: The Medicean Interludes for “La pellegrina,” (1589)
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