Past Newberry Fellows

Long-Term Fellows

Diana Berruezo-Sánchez
Audrey Lumsden Kouvel and Mellon Foundation Fellow
AY 2023-24
Postdoctoral Scholar in Literature, University of Barcelona and University of Oxford
Linguistic Blackness: Identity and Multilingual Practices In Early Modern Iberia (1500-1700)

Rafe Blaufarb
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Spring 2024
Professor of History, Florida State University
Moral Regeneration, Financial Crisis, and Capitalism in the French Revolution

Katherine Calvin
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Fall 2023
Assistant Professor of Art History, Kenyon College
Antiquarian Speculations: Art, Credit, and Collecting between Europe and the Ottoman Empire, 1660-1830

KJ Cerankowski
Richard H. Brown/William Lloyd Barber Fellow
AY 2023-24
Associate Professor of American Studies and Gender and Sexuality, Oberlin College
Roar of Wanting: Touching Trans History

Aileen A. Feng
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
AY 2023-24
Associate Professor of Italian, University of Arizona
Feminism's First Paradox: Female Misogyny and Homosociality in Early Modern Italy

Jessica Goethals
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
AY 2023-24
Associate Professor of Italian, University of Alabama
The Literary Sack of Rome (1527): Gender, Language, Genre

Fabien Montcher
Evelyn Dunbar and Ruth Dunbar Davee Fellow
AY 2023-24
Assistant Professor of History, Saint Louis University
On Natural Sovereignty: A History of the Early-Modern Citrus Craze across the Iberian Worlds (1400s-1700s)

Hayley Negrin
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
AY 2023-24
Assistant Professor of History, University of Illinois at Chicago
Fugitive Lands: Indigenous Slavery and Sovereignty in the Early American South

Zozan Pehlivan
Monticello College Foundation Fellowship for Women and Mellon Foundation Fellow
AY 2023-24
Assistant Professor of History, University of Minnesota
The Political Ecology of Forced Sedentarization: Herd Dependent Peoples, Climate Change, and the Encroaching State

Aldair Rodrigues
Mellon Foundation Fellow
Fall 2023
Associate Professor; Professor Doutor MS 3.2, History, UNICAMP - State University of Campinas (Universidade Estadual de Campinas)
The African Origins and Construction of Blackness in Brazil (1750-1822)

Javier Villa-Flores
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
AY 2023-24
Associate Professor of Religion, Emory University
Forgers: Public Faith and The Dark Side of Trust in Eighteenth-Century Mexico

Giovanna Benadusi
Mellon Foundation Fellow
Professor of History, University of South Florida
Local Culture and Local Knowledge in the Last Wills of Early Modern Women

Wendy Castenell
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Assistant Professor of Art History, Washington and Lee University
‘Old Kentucky Home’: Nostalgia and Salvage Ethnography in Helen Balfour Morrison’s Kentucky Photographs

Leslie M. Harris
David L. Wagner Distinguished Fellow
Professor of History, Northwestern University
Leaving New Orleans: A Personal Urban History

Ren Heintz
Richard H. Brown/William Lloyd Barber Fellow
Assistant Professor of Literature, California State University, Los Angeles
Queer Attachments: Sex, Desire, and Racism in Early America

Craig Koslofsky
Audrey Lumsden Kouvel Fellow
Professor of History, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
The Deep Surface: Skin in the Early Modern World, 1450-1750

Oyo A. Kwate
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Associate Professor of Africana Studies and Human Ecology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
The Corner Liquor Store in Urban Black America

Marisa Libbon
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Associate Professor of Literature, Bard College
The Medieval Rumor Mill: Technology, Labor, and the Circulation of Popular Culture

Emily MacGillvray
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
Assistant Professor of History, Northland College
Navigating the Currents: Indigenous Women, Politics, and Property in the Borderland Great Lakes, 1745 to 1845

Miguel Martinez
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Associate Professor of Literature, University of Chicago
Third New World. Colonial Manila and the Global Renaissance

Maria Vittoria Spissu
Assistant Professor (RTDB), European Art History in the Early Modern Age, University of Bologna
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellow
Communities of Concord: Building Contentment and Belonging through Emotional Images in Early Modern Europe and Beyond

Miriam Wendling
Richard H. Brown/William Lloyd Barber and Mellon Foundation Fellow
Postdoctoral Scholar in Musicology, KU Leuven
Translating Liturgy: Late Medieval Dutch-language Rubrics for Women’s Communities

Molly G. Yarn
The Monticello College Foundation Fellowship for Women and Mellon Foundation Fellow
Independent Scholar, Literature
Women Printers and the English Book Trade, 1640-1665

Patrick Bottiger
Associate Professor, History, Kenyon College
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Corn, Beans, and Squash: The Three Sisters Agricultural Revolution and the Remaking of North America, 300-1800

James Brookes
Independent Scholar
Richard H. Brown and William Lloyd Barber Fellow
Picturing the Civil War: Visual Culture of the Rank and File

Jason Farr
Assistant Professor, English, Marquette University
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow
Mute Subjects: Nonverbal Characters in Eighteenth-Century British Literature

Martha Few
Professor, History and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Pennsylvania State University
Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel Long-Term Fellow
The Rise and Spread of Postmortem Cesarean Operations in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires

Amy B. Huang
Postdoctoral Scholar, Theater Studies, Florida State University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Staging the Material Moves of Race

Aaron Hyman
Assistant Professor, Art History, John Hopkins University
Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel Long-Term Fellow
Seeing Script: On Artistic and Archival Affinity in the Early Modern Spanish World

Gregory Laski
Associate Professor, Literature, United States Air Force Academy
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
Reconstructing Revenge: Race and Justice after the Civil War

Laura Matthew
Associate Professor, History, Marquette University
The Evelyn Dunbar and Ruth Dunbar Davee Fellow
Those Who Survived: Death and Resilience on Mesoamerica’s Costa del Sur, 1480-1630

Delia Moldovan
Honorary Research Fellow, Art History, Center for the Study of the Renaissance, University of Warwick
The Monticello College Foundation Fellowship for Women and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
Illustrating the Renaissance Italian Year: A Multifaceted Perspective on Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Calendars

Nancy Newman
Associate Professor, Musicology, University at Albany-SUNY
Rudolph Ganz Long-Term Fellow
CMC and the Quest for Social Harmony: The Chicago Musical College’s First Hundred Years, 1867–1967

Edward Polanco
Assistant Professor, History, Virginia Tech
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Nahua Healers, Defenders, and Uplifters: Gender, Religion, and Curing in Central Mexico; 1535-1660

Brennan Rivas
Postdoctoral Scholar, History, Southern Methodist University
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
The Revolver Must Go: The Rise and Fall of a Gun Control Movement in Texas

Sophie Salvo
Assistant Professor, Germanic Studies, University of Chicago
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Articulating Difference: Sex and the Study of Language in the Long Nineteenth Century

Sarah J. Townsend
Associate Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, Pennsylvania State University
ACLS/Burkhardt Fellow
Opera in the Amazon: Culture, Capital, and the Global Jungle

Kelly Wisecup
Associate Professor, English, Northwestern University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian and Indigenous Studies and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
Indigenous Anthologizing in the Great Lakes

Christine Adams
Professor, History, St. Mary’s College of Maryland
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
The Merveilleuses and their Impact on the French Social Imaginary, 1794-1799 and Beyond

Catherine Arnold
Independent Researcher
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Affairs of Humanity: Humanitarian Intervention between Reformation and Enlightenment

Jamie Bolker
Independent Scholar (formerly Asst. Prof. of English at MacMurray College)
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
Lost and Found: Wayfinding in Early America

Alex E. Chávez
Nancy O’Neill Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Notre Dame
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Audible City: Urban Cultural History, Latinx Chicago, and the Sonic Commons

Allyson Field
Associate Professor of Film and Media Studies at the University of Chicago
ACLS/Burkhardt Fellow
Minstrelsy-Vaudeville-Cinema: American Popular Culture and Racialized Performance in Early Film

Julie Fisher
Postdoctoral Scholar in History at the American Philosophical Society
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History, Evelyn Dunbar and Ruth Dunbar Davee Fellow, and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
Speaking ‘Indian’ and English: The Bilinguals of Seventeenth-Century New England

Kelly Fleming
Visiting Scholar, Department of English, University of Virginia
Monticello College Foundation Fellow and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
Ornaments of Influence: Fashion Accessories and the Work of Politics in Eighteenth-Century British Literature

Sharony Green
Associate Professor, History at the University of Alabama
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
Zora Neale Hurston and Honduras

LaDale Winling
Associate Professor of History at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
Chicago and the Remaking of American Real Estate

Nicholas Abbott
Assistant Professor, History at Old Dominion University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Sarkars into States: Language, Family, and Politics in Early Colonial India

Heather Allen
Associate Professor, Spanish at University of Mississippi
Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
The Authority of Literacies in New Spanish Historiography

Tom Arnold-Forster
Postdoctoral Scholar, History at University of Cambridge
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History, and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
Journalism and Democracy in the Chicago Renaissance

Karen-Edis Barzman
Professor, Art History at Binghamton University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Cartography and the Paper Management of the Early Modern State: Venice, 15th – 18th Centuries

Federica Caneparo
Postdoctoral Researcher, Italian Studies at the University of Chicago
Monticello College Foundation Fellow
Painting Ovid in Italian: Anguillara’s Translation of the Metamorphoses and its Impact on the Visual Arts

Todd Carmody
Research Associate, Harvard University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Fieldwork: A Vocational History of Literary Studies

Deborah Cohen
Professor, History at Northwestern University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
The World between them: American Foreign Correspondents in Interwar Europe and Asia

Laura Edwards
Professor, History and Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies at Duke University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Only the Clothes on Her Back: Textiles, Law, and Commerce in the Nineteenth-Century United States

Elisa Garcia
Professor, History at Fluminense Federal University
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
Gender, Slavery, and Mestizaje: Tupi-Guarani Women during the Conquest of the River Plate Basin in the Sixteenth Century

Kim Hedlin
Lecturer, English Literature at UCLA
National Endowment for Humanities, and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
The Book of Job from Luther to Milton

Thomas Kernan
Assistant Professor, Musicology at Roosevelt University
Rudolph Ganz Fellow
Concert Activity, Experience, and Identity: Rudolph Ganz and the Midwestern Concert Hall, from the Postwar to the Present

Emily E. LB. Twarog
Associate Professor of Labor and Employment Relations, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
ACLS Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellow
Hands Off: A History of Sexual Harassment Resistance in the U.S. Service Sector, 1935-2018

Katherine Bank
Early Career Researcher
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
A New Fa-La: Musical Meaning in Early Modern English Non-Lexical Vocables

Jodi Bilinkoff
Professor of History at University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
John of the Cross (1542-1591): The History, Mystery, and Memory of a Spanish Saint

Christine DeLucia
Associate Professor, History at Mount Holyoke College
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Monticello College Foundation Fellow
The Itineraries: Seasons of History in the Native Northeast and Ezra Stiles’ New England

Jamie Forde
Curatorial Assistant, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Ruination and Renewal: The Lives and Afterlives of Sacred Space at San Miguel Achiutla

Christine Göttler
Professor Emerita of Art History at University of Bern, Institute of Art History
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
Gold in a Golden Age: Imaginaries of a Metal in Netherlandish Art, c. 1600

Carmen Hsu
Associate Professor of Spanish Literature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
National Endowment for the Humanities and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
Asia in the Making of Early Modern Spain

Doug Kiel
Assistant Professor of History at Northwestern University
Newberry Consortium for American Indian Studies Faculty Fellow
Unsettling Territory: Oneida Indian Resurgence and Anti-Sovereignty Backlash

Anne Koenig
Independent Scholar, History
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Flesh and Blood: The Body and Popular Health in Late Medieval Germany

Cynthia Nazarian
Associate Professor, French and Italian Literature at Northwestern University
Monticello College Foundation Fellow
Violent Sympathies: Literature, Sovereignty and the Hazards of Fellow Feeling

Brian O’Camb
Associate Professor of Literature at Indiana University Northwest
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Scribes, Proverbs, and the Making of Early English Poetry

Iain Quinn
Assistant Professor of Organ and Coordinator of Sacred Music at College of Music at Florida State University
Rudolph Ganz Fellow
Rudolph Ganz – Communicating with an Audience

Tatiana Seijas
Associate Professor of History at Pennsylvania State University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
First Routes: Indigenous Trade and Travel in Early North America

Ryan Carr
Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Queens College
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
Expressivism in America

Catharine Franklin
Assistant Professor of History at Texas Tech University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
“The Army Stands Between”: Soldiers and Indians in the West

Olga Herrera
Associate Professor of English at the University of St. Thomas
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
Near West Side Stories: Racial and Ethnic Transformations in Chicago

Benjamin Johnson
Associate Professor of History at Loyola University Chicago
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
A Specter Haunting American Democracy: A History of Latina/os and Liberalism

Susan Johnson
Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin, Madison
Newberry Consortium for American Indian Studies Faculty Fellow
The Trail the Slaves Made

Kendra Preston Leonard
Executive Director of The Silent Film Sound and Music Archive
Rudolph Ganz Fellow
Female Musicians in the American Silent Cinema

John D. Márquez
Associate Professor of African American and Latino/a Studies at Northwestern University
Newberry Consortium for American Indian Studies Faculty Fellow
Recuperating Nde Women Voices in “Apache War” Narratives

Sara Matthews-Grieco
Professor of History and Women’s and Gender Studies at Syracuse University in Florence
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Prints and the Codification of Visual Language in Europe (c. 1450-1650)

Omar McRoberts
Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Chicago
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Black Public Religion and Social Welfare Policy: Influences of the State on Churches from the New Deal through Welfare Reform

Anna K. Sagal
Adjunct Instructor of Literature at Heartland Community College
Monticello College Foundation and Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel Fellow
Experimental Women: Women Writers & Scientific Work in the Long Eighteenth Century

Christopher Albi
Assistant Professor of History at SUNY, New Paltz
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Francisco Xavier Gamboa, Colonial Legal Culture, and the Decline of Judicial Authority in Eighteenth-Century Mexico

Monique Allewaert
Associate Professor of Literature at the University of Wisconsin, Madison
National Endowment for the Humanities and Center for Renaissance Studies Fellow
Cut Up: Colonial Insectophilia, the Poetics of the Small, and the Work of Enlightenment

Boyd Cothran
Associate Professor of History at York University
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
The Worst Weekend: How a Series of Forgotten Events Changed the Course of American History after the Civil War

Woody Holton
Professor of History at the University of South Carolina
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
Liberty is Sweet: An Integrated History of the American Revolution

Sarah Iovan
Independent Scholar
Monticello College Foundation and Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel Fellow
Performing Poesis: Musica Humana in Early Modern Lyric

Paul Ramirez
Assistant Professor of History at Northwestern University
Newberry Consortium for American Indian Studies Faculty Fellow
Salt of God: A Religious History of Mexico

Xuefei Ren
Associate Professor of Sociology and Global Urban Studies at Michigan State University
ACLS/Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellow
Urban Governance and Citizen Rights in China and India: Housing, Land, and Air

Samantha Seeley
Assistant Professor of History at the University of Richmond
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
Race and Removal in the Early American Republic

Katharina Uhde
Assistant Professor of Musicology and Violin at Valparaiso University
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
Joseph Joachim

Mara Wade
Professor of Literature at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
National Endowment for the Humanities and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
Early Modern Intellectual Networks: Emblems as Open Sources

Chelsea Blackmore
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Cruz
Monticello College Foundation Fellow
Ancient Maya States and Ordinary People: The Politics of Class and Gender in Archaeology

William Brooks
Professor of Music, University of York
National Endowment for the Humanities / Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
Singing for Sammy Land: World War I Sheet Music and American Culture

Susan Gaylard
Associate Professor of Italian Studies, University of Washington, Seattle
Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel / Andrew W. Mellon Fellow
Beautiful Monsters: Gendering History in Renaissance Biographies

Katarzyna Lecky
Assistant Professor of English, Bucknell University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Pocket Empire: Portable Maps and Public Poetry, 1590-1649

Erin-Marie Legacey
Assistant Professor of History, Texas Tech University
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow
Making Space for the Dead in Revolutionary Paris, 1780-1830

Christen Mucher
Assistant Professor of American Studies, Smith College
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
Before American History: Print Frontiers, American Antiquities and Native Pasts, 1792-1848

Suparna Roychoudhury
Assistant Professor of English, Mount Holyoke College
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Phantasmatic Shakespeare: Imagination in the Age of Early Modern Science

Miriam Thaggert
Associate Professor of English and Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies, The University of Iowa
National Endowment for the Humanities / Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
Riding Jane Crow: Women and the Railroad in African American Culture

Cynthia Wall
Professor of English, The University of Virginia
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Grammars of Approach: Architecture, Typography, and Narrative in the Eighteenth Century

Kelly Wisecup
Assistant Professor of English, Northwestern University
Andrew W. Mellon / Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
Objects of Encounter

Lori Anne Ferrell
Professor of Early Modern History and Literature, Claremont Graduate University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Historians and the Sacred: Inventing the Anglican Reformation

Linford Fisher
Assistant Professor of History, Brown University
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
The Land of the Unfree: Africans, Indians, and the Varieties of Slavery and Servitude in Colonial New England and the Atlantic World

Rachel Galvin
Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, The Johns Hopkins University
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation / National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Poetry and the Press in Wartime

Walter Melion
Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Art History, Emory University
Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel / Andrew W. Mellon / National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
“Imago veridica”: The Visual Form, Function, and Argument of Joannes David, S.J.’s Four Latin Emblem Books

Karen Sánchez-Eppler
Professor of American Studies and English, Amherst College
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation / Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
In the Archives of Childhood: Personal and Historical Pasts

Vivasvan Soni
Associate Professor of English, Northwestern University
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation / National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Aesthetics and the Crisis of Judgment in the Eighteenth Century

Daniel Usner
Holland N. McTyeire Professor of History, Vanderbilt University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Faculty Fellow
From Bayou Teche to Fifth Avenue: How Chitimacha Indian Baskets Moved Across America

Kimberly Welch
Assistant Professor of History, West Virginia University
Monticello College Foundation / Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
Black Litigants: Rethinking Race and Power in the American South, 1820-1860

Jessica Wolfe
Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
National Endowment for the Humanities / Herzog August Bibliotheck Wolfenbüttel Fellow
Thomas Browne’s Pseudodxia Epidemica (1646; 1672): A Definitive Scholarly Edition for Oxford University Press

Mary Baine Campbell
Professor of English, Brandeis University
Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel Fellow
Dreaming, Meaning, Motion: Oneirics in the Atlantic World, 1500–1750

Frank Tobias Higbie
Associate Professor of History, University of California, Los Angeles
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
Working Knowledge: Learning and Living in a Grassroots Social Movement

Margaret Meserve
Associate Professor of History, University of Notre Dame
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
The News Cycle in Renaissance Rome

Yann Robert
Assistant Professor of French Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow
Living Theater: Politics, Justice, and the Stage in France (1750–1800)

Michael Schreffler
Associate Professor of Art History and Department Chair, Virginia Commonwealth University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Inca Cuzco, Spanish Cuzco

Susan Sleeper-Smith
Professor of History, Michigan State University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Gender, Race, and Empire: Mapping State Formation through the Lives of Indian Women

Cristina Stanciu
Assistant Professor of English, Virginia Commonwealth University
Monticello College Foundation Fellow
The Makings and Unmakings of Americans: Indians and Immigrants in American Literature and Culture, 1880–1924

Michael Vorenberg
Associate Professor of History, Brown University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
The Appomattox Myth: Struggling to Find the End of the American Civil War

Kathleen Washburn
Assistant Professor of English Language and Literature, University of New Mexico
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Faculty Fellow
We Moderns: Native American Literary Crossings, 1890–1935

Karen-edis Barzman
Associate Professor of Art History, Binghamton University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
The Limits of Identity: Venice, Dalmatia, and the Representation of Difference

Michelle Dowd
Associate Professor of English and Director of Graduate Studies, University of North Carolina–Greensboro
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Delinquent Pedigrees: The Spatial Rhetoric of Lineage on the Early Modern Stage

Leon Fink
Distinguished Professor of History, University of Illinois at Chicago
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
The American Way of Class War

León García Garagarza
Fellow in Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution
Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel Fellow
New Perspectives on the Mexican Apostolic Inquisition Trials against Idolater Indians (1536–40)

Robert Goulding
Associate Professor, Program of Liberal Studies and Program in the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Notre Dame
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Renaissance Optics between Experiment and Imagination: The Mathematical Practice of Thomas Harriot

Robert Hellyer
Associate Professor of History, Wake Forest University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
An Everyday Cup of Green Tea: Japanese Producers and American Consumers in a Trans-Pacific Trade, 1850–1950

Hal Langfur
Associate Professor of History, University at Buffalo
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Adrift on an Inland Sea: The Projection of Portuguese Power in the Brazilian Wilderness

Jenny Tone-Pah-Hote
Assistant Professor of American Studies, University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Faculty Fellow
Envisioning Nationhood: Kiowa Expressive Culture, 1875–1940

Rachel Walsh
Assistant Professor of Italian, University of Denver
Monticello College Foundation Fellow
Annotating Arcadia: The First Scholarly Edition of “La Belleza Della Volgar Poesia” (1700)

Randolph Head
Professor of History, University of California, Riverside
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Archives, Inventories, and Political Knowledge Culture in Early Modern Europe

Michael Lansing
Assistant Professor of History, Augsburg College
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
Insurgent Democracy: The Nonpartisan League in the North American West

Judith Miller
Associate Professor of History, Emory University
Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel Fellow
The Stoic Voice of the Late French Revolution, 1794–1815

Monica Prasad
Associate Professor of Sociology, Northwestern University
American Council of Learned Societies/Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellow
The Land of Too Much: American Productivity and Comparative Political Economy

Sarah Rivett
Assistant Professor of English, Princeton University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Faculty Fellow
The Language of Early America

Benedict Robinson
Associate Professor of Renaissance Literature, State University of New York, Stony Brook
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Feeling Words: An Early Modern Philology of the Affections

Helen Thompson
Associate Professor of Literature, Northwestern University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Fictional Matter: Empiricism, Secondary Qualities, and the Novel

Juliana Barr
Associate Professor of History, University of Florida
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
La Dama Azul (The Woman in Blue): Gender and Religion in Spanish and Indian Worlds

Jacob Dorman
Assistant Professor of History, University of Kansas
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Vernacular Ethnology: African American Performance and Parody of Muslim and Oriental Identities in Minstrelsy, Vaudeville, and Early Cinema

Brodwyn Fischer
Associate Professor of History, Northwestern University
American Council of Learned Societies/Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellow
Great Migrations: Emancipation and Urbanization in Brazil, 1880-1970

Lisa Freeman
Associate Professor of English, University of Illinois at Chicago
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Antitheatricality and the Body Public: From the Renaissance to the NEA

Susan McDonough
Assistant Professor of History, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel/Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities Judging Your Neighbor: Building a Culture of Neighborliness in a Late Medieval Port Town

Andrew Needham
Assistant Professor of History, New York University
Lloyd Lewis/Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities
Power Lines: Energy Development and the Making of the Modern Southwest
Engineering Sustainability: Nature and Technology in Modern America

Jean O’Brien
Professor of History and American Studies, University of Minnesota
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Faculty Fellow Children’s Literature and Colonialism in Nineteenth-Century New England

Sarah Pearsall
Senior Lecturer in History, Oxford Brookes University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow Beyond One Man and One Woman: A History of Early American Polygamy

Bianca Premo
Associate Professor of History, Florida International University
American Council of Learned Societies/Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellow
Taking Tyrants to Court: Civil Litigation in the Spanish Empire during the Age of Enlightenment

İbrahim Kaya Şahin
Assistant Professor of History, Tulane University
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities
Representing the Ottoman-Safavid Conflict (ca. 1500-1650): European Observations on Imperial and Confessional Rivalry in the Middle East

Deborah Cohen
Professor of History, Brown University
American Council of Learned Societies/Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellow
Family Secrets: The Rise of Confessional Culture in Britain, 1840-1990

Enrique Sam Colop
Independent Scholar
Fulbright Visiting Scholar
Maya Manuscript Research (Crónicas Indígenas de Guatemala)

Jennifer Hill
Associate Professor of English, University of Nevada, Reno
American Council of Learned Societies/Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellow
Climate, Nature, and Global Geographies in Victorian Britain

Gregory Foster-Rice
Associate Professor of Photography, Columbia College Chicago
Terra Foundation for American Art/Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American Art History
Strategies and Tactics: The Photography of Urbanization in Crisis

Maria Alejandra Irigoin
Assistant Professor of History, College of New Jersey
Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel Fellow
A Colonial Enterprise: The Role of the ‘Situado’ in the Transpacific Trade of the Spanish Empire

Craig Koslofsky
Associate Professor of History, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
National Endowment for the Humanities/Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
Evening’s Empire: A History of the Night in Early Modern Europe

Jeffrey Means
Assistant Professor of History, University of Wyoming
Newberry Library Consortium in American Indian Studies Faculty Fellow
From Buffalo to Beeves: Cattle and the Evolution of Oglala Lake Culture, 1750-1920

Scott Nelson
Legum Professor of History, College of William and Mary
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
The First Great Depression: The Panic of 1873 and its Aftermath

Susan O’Donovan
Assistant Professor of History, University of Memphis
National Endowment for the Humanities/Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
Slaves and the Politics of Disunion

Liesl Olson
Independent Scholar
National Endowment for the Humanities/Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow
Literary Modernism, the Middlebrow, and the American University

Jill Rappoport
Assistant Professor of English, Villanova University
Monticello College Foundation Fellow
Giving Women: Alliance and Exchange in Victorian Culture

Renzo Baldasso
Independent Scholar
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities
Erhard Ratdolt and the Visual Dimension of Early Printed Books

Sarah Burns
Professor of History of Art, Indiana University
Terra Foundation for American Art Fellow in American Art History
Looking into the Shadows of the Modern

Holly Crawford Pickett
Assistant Professor of English, Washington and Lee University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
The Drama of Serial Conversion in Early Modern England

Kristin Huffine
Assistant Professor of History, Northern Illinois University
Monticello College Foundation Fellow
Producing Christians for Half-Men and Beasts: Jesuit Ethnography and Guarani’ Response in the Colonial Paraguayan Missions, 1609-1790

Edward Muir
Professor of History, Northwestern University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
The Unknowns: Skepticism in Early Modern Venice

Carmen Nocentelli
Assistant Professor of English, University of New Mexico
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Islands of Love: Race, Sexuality, and the Euro-Asian Encounter

Natalie Rothman
Assistant Professor of History, University of Toronto
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities
The Dragoman Renaissance: Venetian-Ottoman Diplomatic Interpreters in the Early Modern Mediterranean

Samuel Truett
Associate Professor of History, University of New Mexico
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American Art History
Old New Worlds: Ruins, Borderlands, and Empire in America

Denver Brunsman
Assistant Professor of History, Wayne State University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
The Evil Necessity: British Naval Impressment in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World

Shannon Dawdy
Assistant Professor of History, University of Chicago
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities
French Markets and Creole Queens: An Archeology of New Orleans

Alice Fahs
Associate Professor of History, University of California, Irvine
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American Art History
Newspaper Women and the Making of the Modern

Giuseppe Gerbino
Assistant Professor of Musicology, Columbia University
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities
Music, Language, and Desire in Early Modern Italy

Janet Johnson
Associate Professor of Music History and Literature, University of Southern California
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Berlioz between Two Worlds: Shakespeare’s Romeo and Dante’s Giulietta

Justine Murison
Assistant Professor of English, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Monticello College Foundation Fellow
States of Mind: The Politics of Psychology in American Literature, 1780-1860

Osvaldo Pardo
Associate Professor of Modern and Classical Languages, The University of Connecticut
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Between Law and Religion: Justice, Honor, and Society in Early Colonial Spanish America

Thomas Willette
Assistant Professor of the History of Art, University of Michigan
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities
Cellini among the Freemasons: Language, Natural Science, and Radical Politics in the Eighteenth Century

Sherwin Bryant
Assistant Professor of African American Studies and History, Northwestern University
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities
Reclaiming Lives: Struggles for Mastery, Autonomy, and Rights in Colonial Quito, 1690-1810

Kathleen Conzen
Professor of History, University of Chicago
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American Art History
Theorizing a Pluralist Democracy: The 19th Century German-American Debate

Laura Edwards
Professor of History, Duke University
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities
The People and Their Peace: The Re-Constitution of Governance in the American South, 1787-1840

Susan Johnson
Associate Professor of History, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American Art History
A Traffic in Men: The Old Maid, the Housewife, and Their Great Westerner

David Karmon
Visiting Assistant Professor of History, Pennsylvania State University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
To Refresh the Memory of Antiquity: The Renaissance Protection of Archeological Remains

Barbara Naddeo
Assistant Professor of History, The City College of New York
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Birth of a Metropolis: Urban Politics and Cosmopolitan Knowledges in Early Modern Naples

Dylan Penningroth
Associate Professor of History, Northwestern University
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Law and Everyday Life Among Black Southerners, 1870-1930

Barry Sell
Special Education Department, John Marshall High School in Los Angeles
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Writing Speech From Silence: Father Horacio Carochi, Nahuatl Scholar of New Spain

Lisa Tetrault
Assistant Professor of History, Carnegie Mellon University
Monticello College Foundation Fellow
The Memory of a Movement: Re-Imagining Woman Suffrage in Reconstruction America, 1865-1890

Richard Wistreich
Lecturer in Music, University of Newcastle
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities
Voice in the Construction of Late-Renaissance Noble Identity

Short-Term Fellows

Joshua Althoff
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Short-Term Fellow
PhD Candidate in History, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Celebrity and Showmanship: Contesting Settler History through Miami Performances

Daniel Astorga
Arthur and Janet Holzheimer Fellow in the History of Cartography
Associate Professor in Literature, University of La Serena
Unveiling the artist behind the Map of Mexico-Tenochtitlan from 1524

Rio Bergh
Lawrence Lipking Fellow
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Northwestern University
Convulsively Written Reminiscences”: Social Disruption and the Language of Environmental Catastrophe in Nineteenth-Century American Literature

Marc Blanc
Midwest Modern Language Association Fellow
PhD Candidate in Literature, Washington University in St. Louis
The Radical Midwest: African American Literature and Leftist Publishing in the Heartland, 1877–1940

Claire Bourne
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Associate Professor in Literature, The Pennsylvania State University
Accidental Shakespeare

Ignacio Carvajal-Regidor
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellow for Individual Research
Assistant Professor in Literature, University of California San Diego
Xtz’ib’ax ri chak’atajik/Written conquest: Reducción and Territory in the Highlands of Guatemala

Sebastian Diaz Angel
Newberry Library - American Society for Environmental History Fellow
PhD Candidate in History, Cornell University
Weaponizing the Wilderness: Infrastructure Designs, Counterinsurgency Mappings and Geographical Engineering in Latin America (1964-1973)

Balraj Gill
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Short-Term Fellow
PhD Candidate in American Studies, Harvard University
The Politics of Confinement: Indigenous Homelands, Imperial Duress, and Incarceration in the Deep North

Lacy Gillette
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium Faculty Fellow
Postdoctoral Scholar in Art History, Florida State University
People Watching in Paper Worlds: Jost Amman and Picturing the “Type” in the Sixteenth-Century Illustrated Book

Edward Green
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
PhD Candidate in History, Pennsylvania State University
“The Old Form of Government Has Been Abandoned”: Competing Sources of Authority in the Choctaw Nation, 1828-1850

Miles Grier
Fellows’ Fellow
Associate Professor in Literature, Queens College, City University of New York
Shakespeare in the Undercommons: Black and Indigenous Engagements with Shakespeare in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Jareema Hylton
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium Graduate Student Fellow
PhD Candidate in Literature, Emory University
Baroque Black

Julie James
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellow for Individual Research
PhD Candidate in Art History, Washington University in St. Louis
Clothing as Cartography of Culture: European Costume Books and Japanese Namban Screens

Kaylen James
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
PhD Candidate in Literature, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Settler Anxieties: Critical Indigenous Interventions in Fame, Technology, and New Media Studies

Rohi Jehan
Newberry Library – John Rylands Research Institute Exchange Fellow
PhD Candidate in Social and Political Sciences, University of Manchester
Formation of Women Counterpublics in Kashmir: A Case Study of Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons

Katherine Johnston
Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Illinois Fellow
Assistant Professor in History, Montana State University
Nourishing Slavery: Breast Feeding and Race in the Eighteenth Century Atlantic

Angelika Joseph
Frances C. Allen Fellow
PhD Candidate in History, Princeton University
Red Power Takeover: Native American Activists, Colonial Landscapes, and the Design of Sovereignty

Hajrije Kolimja
Historical Fiction Fellowship
Independent Writer
Victorian Voyeurs: Epistemologies of Mythmaking in British Accounts of Nineteenth-Century Albania

Katarzyna (Kat) Lecky
Newberry Library Undergraduate Seminar Faculty Fellowship
Surtz Professor in English, Loyola University Chicago
Spring 2024 NLUS: Everyday Medicine, Magic, and Systems of Care in Early America

Greta LaFleur
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Short-Term Fellowship
Associate Professor in History, Yale University
A Queer History of Sexual Violence

Pascale Manning
John S. Aubrey Fellow
Associate Professor in Literature, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Public History, Monuments, and Indigenous Sovereignty: The Chief Oshkosh Monument Project

Richard Maska
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
PhD Candidate in History, University of New Mexico
Building Nakota and Oceti Sakowin Nationhood: Landownership, Development, and Native Sovereignty on the Northern Great Plains, 1850-1933

Louise de Mello
The American Trust for the British Library-Newberry Transatlantic Fellowship
Doctoral Graduate Student, Universidade Federal Fluminense & Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla
The Living Memory of Brazil's National Museum: Rebuilding its collections through historical archives

Shaun Midanik
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
PhD Candidate in Art History, University of Toronto
Books of Prints at the Newberry: The Descrizione del Sacro Monte della Vernia (1612) and the Books of Prints Cataloguing Project

Iris Montero
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellow for Individual Research
Assistant Professor in Literature, Brown University
The Guardian of the Sacred Bundle: Migrant Women Wisdom in the Early Modern World.

Mary Katherine Newman
Newberry Center For Renaissance Studies Graduate Fellow
PhD Candidate in Literature, Oxford University
An assault on the senses: The understanding and rhetoric of the senses in first-hand accounts of the Arauco War (ca. 1546-1655)

Chee Wang Ng
The Arthur and Lila Weinberg Artist-in-Residence Fellow for Independent Researchers
Independent Visual Artist and Researcher
Postcards as Primary Source Materials to the Missing History & Understanding of the Struggle and Survival of Chinese in America in the 20th Century

Jermani Ojeda Ludena
Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner Fellow
PhD Candidate in Literature, The University of Texas at Austin
The Quechua Being: The Runa Kay of contemporary Quechuas

Sean O’Neil
The Anne Jacobson Schutte Fellow in Early Modern Studies
Independent Scholar
The Art of Signs: Symbolic Notation and Visual Thinking in Early Modern Europe

Haley Rains
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
PhD Candidate in Social and Political Sciences, University of California, Davis
We Are Not Your Savages: Deconstructing the Myth of the American Frontier through Native American Visual Sovereignty.

Molly P. Rozum
Adele Hast Fellow in American History
Associate Professor in History, The University of South Dakota
Mid-Twentieth Century North American Regionalism

Allison Russell
Newberry Library-Jack Miller Center Fellow
PhD Candidate in History, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
"On That Shield!": American Identity and the Constitution in the Early Republic

Josefrayn Sanchez-Perry
Newberry Library Undergraduate Seminar Faculty Fellows
Assistant Professor in Theology, Loyola University Chicago
Spring 2024 NLUS: Everyday Medicine, Magic, and Systems of Care in Early America

Michelle Saenz Burrolo
Jan and Frank Cicero Artist-in-Residence Fellow
Independent Artist
Performance and Maps: Researching a Genealogy of Western Representations for Performative Practices

Julia Sienkewicz
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellow for Individual Research
Associate Professor in Art History, Roanoke College
Forms of White Hegemony: Transnational Sculptors, Racialized Identity, and the Torch of Civilization, 1836-1865

Joseph Ukockis
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
PhD Candidate in History, University of New Mexico
Interdependence and Place in Mescalero Homelands, 1680-1865

Luciana Villas Bôas
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellow for Individual Research
Associate Professor in Literature, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
André Thevet’s “True” Portrait of Quoniambec and Its Historical Legacy

Pierre Von-Ow
The American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies-Newberry Short-Term Fellow
PhD Candidate in Art History, Yale University
Visual Tactics: Histories of Perspective in Britain and its Empire, 1707-1768

Carl Watts
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellow for Individual Research
Lecturer in Literature, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Trot, Translation, and Chinese Poetry: The Interventions of Eunice Tietjens

Sheldon Yeakley
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Short-Term Fellow
PhD Candidate in History, Oklahoma State University
Indian Removal and the Native Nations of Northeast Oklahoma

Carlos Diego Arenas Pacheco
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium Graduate Student Fellow
PhD Candidate in History, Medieval Institute, University of Notre Dame
The Otomi translation of a Nahuatl book: a physical and textual analysis of the Otomi Colloquios de la paz y tranquilidad christiana (Ayer MS 1648)

Kate Bellamy
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellow for Individual Research
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre for Linguistics, Leiden University
Bridging the divide: The importance of the Bocabulario Brebe for the history of P’urhepecha

Monica Bravo
John S. Aubrey Fellow
Assistant Professor in Art History, University of Southern California
Silver Pacific: A Material History of Photography and its Minerals, 1840-1890

Tori Bush
Newberry Library-American Society for Environmental History Fellow
PhD Candidate in Literature, Louisiana State University
Post/Colonial Environments: Tracing Eco-Orientalist Legacies within the Contemporary Climate Imagination

Jennifer Comerford
Lawrence Lipking Fellow
PhD Candidate in Literature, Northwestern University
Touching Stories: Hands, Orientation, and Responsibility in Eighteenth-Century British Literature

Nazli Ipek Cora
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Assistant Professor in Literature, Bogazici University
Tracing stories: translation, adaptation, and narration of oriental tales

Ambereen Dadabhoy
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium Faculty Fellow
Associate Professor of Literature, Harvey Mudd College
The Black Mediterranean: Making Race in the Contact Zone

Danielle Ezor
Anne Jacobson Schutte Fellow
PhD Candidate in Art History, Southern Methodist University
Whiteness at the Dressing Table: Race, Gender, and Materiality in Eighteenth-Century France and the French Caribbean

John Patrick Fetherston
Newberry Library-Jack Miller Center Fellow
PhD Candidate in History, University of Maryland, College Park
“Daring to Call for Liquor”: Anglo-American Taverns and the Making of a Black Counterpublic, 1712-1831.

Anabel Galindo
Frances C. Allen Fellow
Postdoctoral Scholar in History, Arizona State University
Rethinking Yaqui Mobility and Community Formation, 1790-1930

Soren Hammerschmidt
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Fellow
Assistant Professor of Literature, GateWay Community College
Edmund Curll and the Rise of Professional Author Portraits

Sandra Jackson-Opoku
Historical Fiction Fellow
Independent Writer
In Search of Eulalie Pelletier

Jayne Kinney
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
PhD Candidate in History, University of Minnesota- Twin Cities
“The Heart of the Nation”: The Roles of Female Leadership in Mandan and Hidatsa Survivance

Dimitrios Latsis
Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Illinois Fellow
Assistant Professor of History, University of Alabama
Space and Mind: Library Architecture and Systems for the Classification of Knowledge

Dana Leibsohn
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellow for Individual Research
Professor of Art History, Smith College
The Outer Banks of Colonialism: An Art History of the Pacific

Yuen-Gen Liang
Arthur and Janet Holzheimer Fellow in the History of Cartography
Associate Professor of History, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
European Conceptions of the “Nearest Overseas”: Northern Africa in the Age of Exploration

Mary Ludwig
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
PhD Candidate in History, University of Las Vegas- Nevada
Incarcerated Nations: Removal and Confinement on Indigenous Lands: Indian Policy, Internment, and Incarceration on the Colorado River Reservation

Emily Martin
Jan and Frank Cicero Fellow
Independent Artist
Navigational Tools for the Willfully Lost

Hana Maruyama
Adele Hast Fellow in American History
Assistant Professor of History, University of Connecticut
What Remains: Japanese American World War II Incarceration in Relation to American Indian Dispossession

Carmela Mattza
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Associate Professor of Literature, Louisiana State University
Isabel Clara Eugenia in Ghent

Kelly McCay
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium Graduate Student Fellow
PhD Candidate in History, Harvard University
Recasting the Alphabet: The Design and Manufacture of Amended Alphabets in Early Modern England

Andrea Miles
Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Illinois Fellow
PhD Candidate in History, University of Louisville
Black Rebels: African American Revolutionaries from North Carolina During and After the War of Independence

Giovanna Montenegro
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Faculty Fellow
Associate Professor of Literature, Binghamton University
The Many Pasts and Futures of Guiana and El Dorado

Linda Mueller
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellow for Individual Research
PhD Candidate in Art History, Harvard University
Arte-Facts: Drawings as Legal and Juridical Objects in Early Modern Italy

Elizabeth Neary
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
PhD Candidate in Literature, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Flawless Family Tree: Rooting Out Heresy and Cultivating Purity in Cartas Ejecturias de Hidalguia

Molli Pauliot
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
PhD Candidate in Anthropology, University of Wisconsin- Madison
Ho-Chunk Black Ash Basketry: A Material Culture Reclamation Challenge

Melissah Pawlikowski
Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner Fellow
Assistant Professor in History, Kenyon College
Black Power, Delaware Autonomy: Independence under the Shield of Sovereignty in Indian Country 1770-1810

Ben Pokross
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
PhD Candidate in Literature, Yale University
Writing Anishinaabe History in the Nineteenth Century

Julia Randel
Midwest Modern Language Association Fellows
Associate Professor of Musicology, University of Dayton
Reading Lillian Sommers Billman (1866-1957): The Novels and the Life of a Working Woman

Neil Safier
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellow for Individual Research
Associate Professor of History, Brown University
Pushing Back the Anthropocene: Technologies of Registration and Historical Ecology in Early Modern Amazonia

Katie Sagal
Associated Colleges of the Midwest/Newberry Fellow
Contingent Faculty in Literature, Cornell College
A Critical Edition of Margaret Cavendish’s Grounds of Natural Philosophy (1668)

Zoe Waldman
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
PhD Candidate in History, University of Michigan
Landscapes of Power: The Meaning of Treaties in Eastern North America, 1750-1790

Niping Yan
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellow for Individual Research
PhD Candidate in History, University of British Columbia
Chinese Voices in the Spanish Empire (16th to 18th Century)

Eunice Yu
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
PhD Candidate in Art History, University of Oxford
A Printing Dynasty in Venice: The Bertelli and Their Networks

Joshua Althoff
PhD Candidate, History, University of Minnesota
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
Memory in Myaamionki: The George Rogers Clark National Historical Park in Vincennes, Indiana

Joseph Curran
PhD Candidate, Social and Political Sciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Fellow
Maintaining Lifeways at the Edge Colonialism: Indigenous Practices of Conflict Negotiation in the Lower Colorado River Basin

Balraj Gill
PhD Candidate, History, Harvard University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
The Politics of Confinement: Indigenous Homelands, Imperial Duress, and Incarceration in the Deep North

Kallie Kosc
Assistant Professor, English, Oklahoma State University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Faculty Fellow
The Education of Mary Peters: Mohican Women, Race, and Citizenship in Early America

Kelin Michael
PhD Candidate, Art History, Emory University
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Graduate Fellow
Word, Image, and Copy: The Reception of Hrabanus Maurus’s In honorem sanctae crucis, c. 810-1600 CE

Natasha Myhal
PhD Candidate, Social and Poltical Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
The Power of Nmé: Gender, Political Ecology, and Odawa Resurgence through Sturgeon Restoration at Little River (Michigan)

Manasvin Rajagopalan
PhD Candidate, Literature, University of California, Davis
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Graduate Fellow
Terrains of Comparison: Reading Canonical Early Modern French and Tamil Texts through Classical Tamil Epistemologies

Kristina Rogers
PhD Student, History, Oklahoma State University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
But She Was the Real Owner: Native American Women as Slaveholders

Marta Albalá Pelegrín
Associate Professor of Literature at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Theater of Conquest: Performing Iberian Newspieces in Rome (1450-1530)

Michael Albani
PhD Candidate in History at Michigan State University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
Racializing Indigenous Society: Native Americans, Euro-Americans, and the Struggle for Authority in the Great Lakes Borderlands, 1763-1888

Jennifer Andrella
PhD Candidate in History at Michigan State University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
When the War Raged On: Montana Territory, the Politics of Authority, and National Reconstruction, 1860-1900

Ryan Booth
PhD Candidate in History at Washington State University
Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner Fellow
Crossed Arrows: The US Indian Scouts, 1866-1947

Rozalinda Borcila
Independent Researcher
Arthur and Lila Weinberg Fellow Im/Memorial

Tania Bride
PhD Candidate in History at University of California, Los Angeles
Newberry Library-American Society for Environmental History (ASEH) Fellow
Discursive Histories of the Nahualli: Dialogues of metamorphosis, human-animal relations, and the indigenous sacred in New Spain, 1521-1770

Angela Calcaterra
Associate Professor of Literature at the University of North Texas
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) Fellow
Bearing Arms: Indigenous Object-Orientations and US Gun Violence, 1200 to Today

Wendy Castenell
Assistant Professor of Art History at the University of Alabama
Newberry Library - Morrison-Shearer Foundation Short-Term Fellow
Helen Balfour Morrison’s Kentucky and Great American Photographs

Rachael Cassidy
PhD Candidate in History at the University of New Mexico
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
D.C. Tribe: A History of Native Residents of Washington, D.C.

Douglas Clark
Assistant Professor of Literature at University College Dublin
Newberry-Rylands Exchange Fellow
Recovering the Uncommon in Early Modern Manuscript Commonplace Books

Kerri Clement
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Colorado- Boulder
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
Wonderland’s Festering Wound: Indigenous Peoples, Animals, and Brucellosis in Twentieth-Century Yellowstone and Montana Borderlands

Scott Doebler
PhD Candidate in History at Pennsylvania State University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
Connected Forests: Spanish, English, and Maya Commodity Ecologies in Southern Yucatan and Northern Guatemala, 1524-1717

Rebecca Entel
Associate Professor of Literature at Cornell College
Newberry Library-Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM) Fellow
Immigrants in Libraries

Marta Faust
Postdoctoral Fellow in the Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies at the Freie Universität, Berlin
Newberry Library Short-Term Residential Fellow
From Obsolescence to Fine Art: Woodcut Revivals in Eighteenth-Century Europe

Janice Feng
PhD Candidate in Social and Political Sciences at the University of Michigan
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
Traces of Desire, or the Materiality of Settler Colonialism: Theorizing Power and Resistance in New France in New France and Dutch Formosa, 1608-1763

Jake Frederick
Professor of History at Lawrence University
Newberry Library-Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM) Fellow
Fire and Control in Bourbon Mexico

Leslie Geddes
Assistant Professor of Art History at Tulane University
Anne Jacobson Schutte Fellow for Early Modern Studies
Weapons of Atlas: The Art and Science of Early Modern Cartography (1580–1650)

Wendy Geniusz
Associate Professor of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire
Frances C. Allen Fellow
Studying Effects of Colonization and Systemic Racism on Ojibwe Culture: Improving Indigenous Language and Culture Revitalization

Christina Gerhardt
Associate Professor of Literature at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
Newberry Library Short-Term Residential Fellow
Atlas of (Remote) Islands and Sea Level Rise

Claire Gilbert
Assistant Professor of History at Saint Louis University
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium Faculty Fellow
Vernacular Linguistics across the Straights of Gibraltar from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment

Jessica Goethals
Assistant Professor of Literature at the University of Alabama
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
The Rhetoric of Early Modern Spectacle

Sharon Harris
Assistant Professor of History at Brigham Young University
Newberry Library Short-Term Residential Fellow
Domesticating the English Masque, 1600-1700

Rachel Herrmann
Senior Lecturer, Modern American History, Cardiff University
Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Illinois Fellow
Water, Hunger, and Borders in the Early Modern Atlantic

Alisha Hines
Assistant Professor of History at Wake Forest University
Newberry Library-Jack Miller Center Fellow
Geographies of Freedom: Gender, Mobility, and the Spectrum of Liberty in the Western River World

Della R. Leavitt
Independent Researcher
Historical Fiction Fellow
Beyond Maxwell Street: 1911-1956

Lino Mioni
PhD Candidate of Literature at Indiana University Bloomington
Midwest Modern Language Association (MMLA) Fellow
Venice as the birthplace of the printed cookbook in vernacular Italian: From Platina’s De Honesta Voluptate to the Epulario

Nina Moon
PhD Candidate in Literature at Northwestern
Lawrence Lipking Fellow
Mobile Women: Domesticity, Race, and Empire in the Eighteenth Century Transatlantic

Amy Mooney
Associate Professor of Art History at Columbia College
Newberry Library - Morrison-Shearer Foundation Short-Term Fellow
The Edifying and Elusive Gestures of Great Americans

Milena Morozova
PhD Candidate in Social and Political Sciences at Moscow State University
Arthur and Janet Holzheimer Fellowship in the History of Cartography
Literary Routes of the Past: The History of Literary Mapping in America

Dana Velasco Murillo
Associate Professor of History at the University of California, San Diego
Nancy F. Marino Fellow for Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Studies
The Chichimeca Arc: War, Peace, and Resettlement in America’s First Borderlands, 1546- 1616

John Paniagua
PhD Candidate in History at Princeton University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
The Amerindian Antilles

Maryam Patton
PhD Candidate in History at Harvard University
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
‘By the Declining Day’: Time and Temporal Cultures of the Early Modern Mediterranean

Alan Perry
Independent Researcher
Jan and Frank Cicero Fellow
The Gross Gloss

Juan Jose Rivas Moreno
PhD Candidate in Economic History at the London School of Economics and Political Science
Newberry Library Short-Term Residential Fellow
The Capital Markets of the Manila Trade, 1668-1830: an Alternative Institutional Approach to Early Modern long-distance Trade Finance

Woodward, Hayley
PhD Candidate in Art History and Latin American Studies at Tulane University
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium Graduate Fellow
The Codex Xolotl: The Visual Discourse of Place and History in Early Colonial Mexico

Sara Barker
Assistant Professor of History at the University of Leeds
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Faculty Fellow
Pamphlet design during the French Wars of Religion and their aftermath (1559-1610)

Justin Carroll
Associate Professor of History at Indiana University East
Newberry Library-Jack Miller Center Fellow
Tshusick’s Journey to Washington D.C.: Relative Mobility and the Great Lakes Fur Trade

Erasmo Castellani
PhD Candidate in History at Duke University
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Graduate Fellow
Negotiating Sovereignty Through Petitions in Early Modern Mediterranean. Patterns of Political Expression in the Venetian Stato da Mar.

Claudia Catalano
Postdoctoral Scholar, Literature at University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
The Bibliographical Census of Arrighiana

Victoria Clark
PhD Candidate in Musicology at the University of Virginia
Frances C. Allen Fellow
Decolonizing Musicology: The American Indianists from an Indigenous Perspective

Joanna Cohen
Senior Lecturer of History at Queen Mary University of London
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellow for Individual Research
What Was Mine: Property and Loss in Civil War America

Eleanor Coulter
PhD Candidate in History at McGill University
Arthur and Janet Holzheimer Fellow in the History of Cartography
Geographies of Space, Geographies of Time: Narrative Cartographies in Eighteenth-Century French Maps

Marlena Petra Cravens
PhD Candidate in Comparative Literature at The University of Texas at Austin
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium Graduate Fellow
“Among Aliens Abroad”: Unruly Translation and the Making of a Transatlantic Spanish, 1492-1650

Jennifer Denetdale
Associate Professor of American Studies at the University of New Mexico
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Faculty Fellow
The Photographs of Milton Snow and the Making of the Modern Navajo Nation, 1937-1959

Neil Dodge
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
We Are the Children of Changing Woman: From Kinship to Membership in the Navajo Nation, 1846-1954

Samantha Ege
PhD Candidate in Musicology at the University of York
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellowships for Individual Research
Florence Beatrice Price and Theodora Sturkow Ryder: A Comparative Study of Two Prominent Women Composers in Interwar Chicago

Tessa Evans
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Tennessee
Newberry Library-Jack Miller Center Fellow
Atlantic Routes and Native Paths: Rival Social Landscapes in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Arkansas

Chelsea Frazier
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Oklahoma
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Fighting Firewater: Alcohol and 19th Century Humanitarian Reform in Indian Country

Katherine Godfrey
PhD Candidate in History at Pennsylvania State University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Caciques of the Cordillera: Indigenous Rule and Spanish Law in the New Kingdom of Granada, 1575-1650

Stephen Hausmann
Assistant Professor of History at University of St. Thomas
Newberry Library-American Society for Environmental History Fellow
Indian Country: Race and Environment in the Black Hills, 1851-1981

Madison Heslop
PhD Candidate in History at the University of St. Thomas
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellow for Individual Research
Gateway Cities: Seattle and Vancouver in the Pacific, 1896-1939

Kevin Hooper
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Oklahoma
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Seizing Citizenship: African Americans, Native Americans, and the Pursuit of Citizenship in the Antebellum United States

Victoria Jackson
PhD Candidate in History at York University
John S. Aubrey Fellow
“In the custom of the country”: marriage, sex, and the making of Wendat families, 1500-1800

Amanda Johnson
PhD Candidate in History at Oklahoma State University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Indigenous Women and Red Power: Community Building and Activism, 1960-1980

Lisa Kattenburg
Lecturer in History at the University of Amsterdam
The Renaissance Society of America Fellow
Indian’ Flanders: Global conflict and exchange between the Dutch, Spanish and Mapuche

Andrew Keener
Assistant Professor of English at Santa Clara University
Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Illinois Fellow
Colonial Translations in John Fletcher’s Early Modern Transatlantic

Jakub Koguciuk
PhD Candidate in History of Art and Renaissance Studies at Yale University
The Renaissance Society of America/Kress Foundation Fellow
Images of Renaissance Pastoral: Book illustration of Jacopo Sannazaro’s;Arcadiain;context

Ilana Larkin
PhD Candidate in Literature at Northwestern University
Lawrence Lipking Fellow at the Newberry
Hostile Love: Discipline, Nation, and History-Making in American Children’s Literature

Jacob Lee
Assistant Professor of History at Pennsylvania State University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Faculty Fellow
An Empire Without Bounds: How the United States Conquered the Louisiana Purchase

Ruth Lopez
Arthur and Lila Weinberg Fellow for Independent Researchers
Imagining Jennie Curtis

Isabella Magni
Mellon Postdoctoral Scholar in Italian Paleography, Newberry Library
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
The Albizzi Memorial Book: a Digital Edition

Anca-Delia Moldovan
PhD Candidate in Art History at the University of Warwick
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Illustrated Insights in Early Printed Agricultural Texts

Daniel Nemser
Associate Professor of Spanish at the University of Michigan
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium Faculty Fellow
Iberian Empire Logistics: Roads, Race, and the Rise of the World System

Eugene Sun Park
Full Spectrum Features NFP, Executive Director
The Jan and Frank Cicero Fellow
Resistance & Resettlement: A Cinematic Digital History Project

Filippo Petricca
PhD Candidate in Romance Literature and Languages at the University of Chicago
Newberry Library-École Nationale des Chartes Exchange Fellow
Money and Trust in Medieval Paris and Florence: An Economy of Literature (1200-1375)

Zulima Sanchez
Senior Lecturer, Social and Political Sciences, Administrative and European Law, Salamanca University
Institute for the International Education of Students Faculty Fellow
Migrations: A Cyclic Challenge for the Public Administration. An Historical Approach Based on the Reality of Chicago at the Times of Jane Addams

Kathryn Santner
Leverhulme Early Career Fellow in Art History at the University of London
The Anne Jacobson Schutte Fellow
Transpacific Sisters: Art and the Lived Religion of Monastic Women in the Spanish Pacific

Sherri Sheu
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Colorado at Boulder
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
The 1970 Occupation of Mount Rushmore and Nixon’s War on Crime

Louise Siddons
Associate Professor of Art History at Oklahoma State University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Faculty Fellow
“Good pictures are a strong weapon”: Laura Gilpin, Queerness, and Navajo Sovereignty

Cynthia Smith
PhD Candidate in Literature at Miami University
Midwest Modern Language Association Fellow
Sentimental Sailors: Rescue and Conversion in Antebellum U.S. Literature

Kelly Summers
Assistant Professor of History at MacEwan University
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Fellow
Fugitives from France: Refugees, Émigrés, and the Origins of Modern Exile

Mihoko Suzuki
Professor of English at University of Miami
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Women’s Manuscript Writings as Political Discourse in Early Modern England

Megan Tusler
Contingent Faculty, Literature, University of Chicago
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Faculty Fellow
Shifting Colors: Natives, Westerns, and Sentimentality at Midcentury

Nathan Tye
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellow for Individual Research
The Ways of the Hobo: Transient Mobility and Culture in the United States, 1870s-1930s

Carolyn Watts
PhD Candidate in Musicology at Princeton University
Newberry Library-American Musicological Society Fellow
Modernism in the Midwest: The Chicago Allied Arts

Rachel Waxman
PhD Candidate in History at Johns Hopkins University
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellow for Individual Research
The Political Economy of Sugar in the Age of Revolution

Tisa Wenger
Associate Professor of American Religious History at Yale Divinity School
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Faculty Fellow
Settler Secularism: The Production of American Religion

Kathleen Whiteley
PhD Candidate in American Culture at the University of Michigan
Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner Fellow
The Indians of California versus The United States of America: California Dreaming in the Land of Lost Treaties 1905-1975

Kevin Windhauser
PhD Candidate in Literature at Columbia University
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Circulating Knowledges: Literature and the Idea of the Library in Renaissance England

ElDante Winston
PhD Candidate in History at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Violence and Italian Renaissance Architecture

Benjamin Benus
Assistant Professor of Art History at Loyola University, New Orleans
Arthur and Janet Holzheimer Fellow in the History of Cartography
Mapping the Modern World: Atlas Design at Container Corporation of America

Scott Berthelette
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Saskatchewan
Newberry Library-Jack Miller Center Fellow
Between Sovereignty and Statecraft: New France and the Contest for the Hudson Bay Watershed, 1663-1774

Anne Boemler
PhD Candidate in Literature at Northwestern University
Lawrence Lipking Fellow at the Newberry
Sion’s Muse: Literary Communities in Renaissance Devotional Verse

Wouter Wim Elie Bracke
Professor of Classics at the Université libre de Bruxelles – Royal Library of Belgium – Accademia Belgica
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Tamquam penicillo picta: Erycius Puteanus and the Relationship between Text and Image in the Early modern period.

Molly Brookfield
PhD Candidate in History and Women’s Studies at University of Michigan
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Watching the Girls Go By: Citizenship and Sexual Harassment in the American Street, 1850-1980

Camden Burd
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Rochester
Newberry Library-American Society for Environmental History Fellow
The Ornament of Empire: Nurserymen and the Making of the American Landscape

Tony Burroughs
Genealogist, FUGA (Fellow Utah Genealogical Association)
Arthur and Lila Weinberg for Independent Researchers Fellow
Slave Schedule Study

Margaret Butler
Associate Professor of Musicology at the University of Florida
Newberry Library-American Musicological Society Fellow
The Operatic Prima Donna and Celebrity Culture, 1750-1790

Zainab Cheema
PhD Candidate in Literature at the University of Texas at Austin
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium Graduate Student Fellow
Anglo-Spanish Marriage in Renaissance Romance: Examining Circulations of Maurophilia in England and Spain’s Nation-Formation, 1603-1625

Edwina Christie
Postdoctoral Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Studies, University of London
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Reading Seventeenth-Century Romance

Owen Clayton
Assistant Professor of Literature at the University of Lincoln
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellow for Individual Research
T Bone Slim’s Radical Satire

Daniela D’Eugenio
Senior Lecturer, Literature in Vanderbilt University
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium Faculty Fellow
Didactic Visualization of Proverbs: A Study of Proverbial Expressions in Italian Poetry and Calligraphy at the Newberry Library

Scott de Groot
Post-doctoral Scholar in History at the University of Winnipeg
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Faculty Fellow
Historicizing Niizh Manidoowag: Two-Spirit as a Concept, Identity, and Decolonization Project

Margaret Flood
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Minnesota
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Plants, Health, and Power: Narratives of Medicine in Ojibwe Country, 1825-1930

Balraj Gill
PhD Candidate in American Studies at Harvard University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
The Politics of Confinement: Indigenous Homelands, Imperial Duress, and Incarceration in the Deep North Borderlands

Niccoló Guasti
Assistant Professor in Early Modern History at the University of Foggia
Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Illinois Fellow
The Jesuit Missions in New France between Reality and Representation

Jessica Herzogenrath
Grant Proposal Developer, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at Sam Houston State University
John S. Aubrey Fellow
The Doyenne of Chicago Dance: Ann Barzel as Champion, Collector, and Critic

Eric Hupe
PhD Candidate in Art History at the University of Virginia
The Renaissance Society of America/Kress Foundation Fellow
The Franciscan Theology of Light and Venetian Painting of the Late-Fifteenth Century

Billie Kingfisher, Jr.
Independent Scholar in History
Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner Fellow
Voices of the Four Bands: A Oral History of the Cheyenne River Reservation

Georgi Kyorlenski
PhD Candidate in Archeology at the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellow for Individual Research
Huascar: Remembering the Final Inca Ruler and His Lasting Impact

Lucie Kyrova
Assistant Professor of North American Studies at Charles University (Prague)
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellow for Individual Research
“The Right to Think for Themselves”: Native American Transnationalism and Intellectual Sovereignty in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century

Julia Lillie
PhD Candidate in Decorative Arts, Design History and Material Culture at Bard Graduate Center
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Taking Refuge in Print: Exiled Protestant Engravers from the Netherlands in Cologne and the Circle of Johannes Bussemacher, 1585-1615

Giorgio Lizzul
Research Fellow in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Italian Studies at the University of Warwick
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
The Cronaca Veneziana (Newberry F. 87.1) and Economic Thought in Fifteenth-Century

Aaron Luedtke
PhD Candidate in History at the Michigan State University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
White Cities in the Red Forest: Settler Colonialism and Indigenous Peoples in the Creation of Chicago and Toronto

Eric MacPhail
Professor of French at Indiana University Bloomington
Midwest Modern Language Association Fellow
No Word for God

Lindsay Marshall
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Oklahoma
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Teaching Us to Forget: American History Textbooks, the Plains Wars, and Public Memory

Meredith McCoy
PhD Candidate in American Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Frances C. Allen Fellow
Serving Students in Motion: Indian Education during Relocation

Jennifer Park
Assistant Professor of Literature at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Cartographic Games: Visualizing World-Division in Seventeenth-Century English Geographical Playing Cards

Antonia Perna
PhD Candidate in History at Durham University
The John Rylands Research Institute Exchange Fellow
Childhood, Politics and Patriotism in Revolutionary France, 1789-99

Benjamin Pohl
Associate Lecturer of History at the University of Bristol
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Faculty Fellow
Making History: Medieval Monasteries as Centers of History

Pranav Prakash
PhD Candidate in Religious Studies at the University of Iowa
Newberry Library-École Nationale des Chartes Exchange Fellow
Reimagining Sufi Poetics in South Asia: The Literary Writings of Hasan Sijzi Dihlavi (1253 - c.1336 CE)

Megan Stanton
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Newberry Library-Jack Miller Center Fellow
American Genealogy and Religious Pluralism: The Interfaith Work of Family Research

Herendira Tellez-Nieto
Professor of Classics at the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia, Mexico
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
A Study, Critical Edition, and Translation of the Ars Tzeldaic

Giulia Torello-Hill
Lecturer in Italian at the University of New England (UNE)
The Renaissance Society of America Fellow
The Lyon Terence and its Legacy in the Sixteenth Century

Zanna Van Loon
PhD Candidate in History at KU Leuven
Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Illinois Fellow
The Acquisition, the Production Processes, and the Diffusion of Knowledge about the Indigenous Languages of the New World in the Early Modern Period

Richard Wendorf
Director of the American Museum in Britain and Visiting Professor at Bath Spa University
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Fellow
Abandoning the Capital: Readers, Writers, and Printers in the Eighteenth Century

Weiya Zhao
Lecturer at Jiaotong University
Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellow for Individual Research
Chinese New Poetry and Chicago (1917-1949)

Hans Bak
Professor of American Literature and Studies at Radboud University Nijmegen
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Worker at the Writer’s Trade: The Life and Times of Malcolm Cowley

Krista Barclay
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Manitoba
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
“Far asunder there are those to whom my name is music:” Empire, Migration and Nineteenth Century Hudson’s Bay Company Families

Gloria Bell
Frances C. Allen and Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
PhD Candidate in Art History at the University of British Columbia
Eloquence of Things: An Analysis of Indigenous Art at the 1925 Pontifical Missionary Exposition

Luis Castellví Laukamp
Postdoctoral Scholar in Hispanic Studies
John S. Aubrey Fellow
The Trans-Pacific Link: Early Modern Chronicles from the Spanish East Indies

Alicia Caticha
PhD Candidate in Art History at University of Virginia
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Fellow
Étienne-Maurice Falconet: Sculpting Whiteness in Marble, Porcelain, and Sugar in Eighteenth-Century Paris

Manuela Ceballos
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
“Between Dung and Blood”: Purity and Mystical Power in the Early Modern Mediterranean

Heidi Craig
PhD Candidate in Literature at the University of Toronto
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
“Thrift, Thrift”: Recycling in Early Modern Literature

Anne Dolan
Associate Professor of History at Trinity College, University of Dublin
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Revising Independence: A New History of Inter-War Ireland

Jennifer Farrell
Owner and designer at Starshaped Press
Arthur and Lila Weinberg Fellow
Type Specimen as Memoir: Small Studio, Broad-Shouldered City

Meaghan Fritz
PhD Candidate in English at Northwestern University
Lawrence Lipking Fellow
American Widows Willed: Extralegal Citizenship and the Literature of Widowhood

Samuel Fullerton
PhD Candidate in History at the University of California, Riverside
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Sex and the English Revolution

John Garrison
Associate Professor of English at Grinnell College
Midwest Modern Language Association Fellow
Shakespeare and the Afterlife

Thomas Joudrey
Lecturer in Literature at Pennsylvania State University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Victorian Pornography and the Ethics of Embodied Vulnerability

Lawrence H. Kessler
Postdoctoral Fellow
Consortium of History of Science, Technology and Medicine Fellow
Planter’s Paradise: Environment, Empire, and Hawaiʻi’s Sugarcane Plantations

Farina King
Assistant Professor of History at Northeastern State University
Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner Fellow
The Earth Memory Compass: Diné Learning Journeys in the Four Directions during the Twentieth Century

Michaela Kleber
PhD Candidate in History at the College of William and Mary
Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Illinois Fellow
Gender and Sexuality Among the Illinois, 1673-1730

Katie Lantz
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Virginia
Newberry Library-Jack Miller Center Fellow
Contested Futures: Anishinaabeg and American Cultures in the Great Lakes, 1790-1840

Delphine Le Corfec-Mercuzot
PhD Candidate in Medieval History at Université Paris IV
Newberry Library-École Nationale des Chartes Exchange Fellow
Going Transnational: Caxton’s Printing Press and Medieval Humanism

David Horst Lehman
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Keeping Fires, Tending Lands: The Practices and Legacy of Potawatomi Farming Around Lake Michigan, 1700-1900

Karen Lewis
Associate Professor of Architecture at Ohio State University
Newberry Library-Jack Miller Center Fellow
The Atlas of Mobile Landscapes: Remapping the Oregon Trail

Simon Macdonald
Postdoctoral Fellow in Institut d’études avancées de Paris
The John Rylands Research Institute Exchange Fellow
Cosmopolitanism in Enlightenment France: Concepts, Networks and Practices

Shanae Aurora Martinez
PhD Candidate in English, Literature, and Cultural Theory at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Guides and Guidance: Subverting Tourist Narratives in Trans-Indigenous Time and Space

Emiro Martinez-Osorio
Associate Professor of Spanish at York University
Arthur and Janet Holzheimer Fellow in the History of Cartography
The Mapping of New Granada by cacique Diego de Torres

Sarah Mayo
PhD Candidate in Literature at the University of Georgia
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Medical Practice, Medical Performance: Mountebanks in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century England

Emelin E. Miller
PhD Candidate in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine at University of Minnesota
Consortium of History of Science, Technology and Medicine Fellow
Empire of Ice: Arctic Natural History and British Visions of Nature, 1650-1800

Carme Montaner
Head of the Map Library at the Institut Cartografic i Geològic de Catalunya
Arthur and Janet Holzheimer Fellow in the History of Cartography
The Maps of the Peruvian Amazon made by the Franciscans in the Second Half of the 18th Century and their Contribution to the Later Printed Maps of South America

Giovanna Montenegro
Assistant Professor of Literature at SUNY at Binghamton
Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel Short-Term Fellow
Heretical Stains: German Bankers and the Conquest of Venezuela

Deirdre Moore
PhD Candidate in the History of Science at Harvard University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Indigenous Knowledge and Breeding of Cochineal Insects in 18th Century Colonial Mexico

Katherine Moran
Assistant Professor of American Studies at Saint Louis University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The Imperial Church: U.S. Visions of Catholicism, Place, and Power, 1870-1920

Melissa Moreton
Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Iowa
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium Faculty Fellow
Limp Vellum Bindings in the Newberry Library: Uncovering Everyday Books and Book Use in the Early Modern World

Loren Michael Mortimer
PhD Candidate in History at the University of California, Davis
Newberry Library-Jack Miller Center Fellow
While the Mountains Remain and the Rivers Run:” Indigenous Power and Presence in the St. Lawrence Borderlands, 1608-1847

Andreas Motsch
Associate Professor of Literature at the University of Toronto
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
The American Works of Joseph-François Lafitau

Michelle Navakas
Assistant Professor of Literature at Miami University
Newberry Library-Jack Miller Center Fellow
Coral in Early American Literature, Science, and Culture

James Owen
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Georgia
Newberry Library-American Musicological Society Fellow
Singing the Holy Ghost: Hymn-singing and Hymn Interpretation at Moravian Missions, 1740-1840

D. Linda Pearse
Associate Professor in Music Performance at Mount Allison University
Adjunct Lecturer in Early Trombones at Indiana University Bloomington
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Faculty Fellow
Where I Belong: Kateri Tekakwitha and Fatima Hatun

Dominique E. Polanco
PhD Candidate in Art History at the University of Arizona
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium Graduate Student Fellow
Multiple Perspectives, Multiple Truths: Visual and Textual Modes of Communication in the 1565 Codex Osuna

Kathryn Renton
PhD Candidate in History at the University of California, Los Angeles
The Renaissance Society of America Fellow
Breed, Race and Empire: Horse and Human in the Iberian World (1348-1619)

Sabine Rothemann
Lecturer of Literature and Philosophy at IES Freiburg
Institute for the International Education of Students Faculty Fellow
Transatlantic Influence of European and American Modern Literature 1900-1945

Francisco Saez Raposo
Associate Professor of Literature at Universidad Complutense de Madrid and IES Madrid
Institute for the International Education of Students Faculty Fellow
(Re)Thinking Spain from America: The United States as a Social and Cultural Role Model for Building an Enlightened Spain

Ian Saxine
Assistant Professor of History at St. Mary’s College of Maryland
Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Illinois Fellow
Properties of Empire: Indians, Colonists, and Land Speculators on the Maine Frontier

Cori Simon
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Shadowland: Indian Territory’s Contested Past and Uncertain Future, 1800-1910

Justina Spencer
Postdoctoral Fellow at Fonds des Recherches sur la Société et la Culture-Québec
The Renaissance Society of America/Kress Foundation Fellow
French Artist-Travelers in the Ottoman Empire: Diplomacy and Fashion in 17th Century Illustrations

Sasha Suarez
PhD Candidate in American Studies at the University of Minnesota
Frances C. Allen Fellow
Gakaabikaang: White Earth Ojibwekweg and the Creation of Twentieth Century Indian Minneapolis

Katherine Walker
PhD Candidate in Literature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Newberry Library-American Society for Environmental History Fellow
Reading the Natural and Preternatural Worlds in Early Modern Drama

Amber Annis
PhD Candidate in American Studies at the University of Minnesota
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
“The use of your reservation is important”: The Militarization and Exploitation of Lakota Land and Lakota Sovereignty on the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe

Francesco Bettarini
Archival Assistant at the University of Chicago
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Florence and Black Death through the Pepo degli Albizzi’s Ricordanze

Claudia Bolgia
Senior Lecturer of Art History at the University of Edinburgh
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
The Long Trecento: Rome without the Popes, c. 1305-1420

Sarah Bromberg
Lecturer of Art History at Suffolk University
Newberry Library – John Rylands Research Institute Exchange Fellow
Art and Exegesis: Nicholas of Lyra’s Postilla

Bradley Cavallo
PhD Candidate in Art History at Temple University
The Renaissance Society of America / Kress Foundation Fellow
Escudos de monjas and the Mental Colonization of Latin American Religious Practice, ca. 1600-1800

Mark De Vitis
Lecturer of Art History at the University of Sydney
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Medium, Message and Meaning: Printmaking in Louis XIV’s France

Daniela D’Eugenio
PhD Candidate in Literature at City New York Graduate Center
The Renaissance Society of America Fellow
Transferring Macro-terms: Cultural, Linguistic, and Literary Transitions of Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases, by Vincenzo Brusantini, John Florio, and Pompeo Sarnelli

Jesse Dorst
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Minnesota
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium Graduate Fellow
Catchpenny Bumfodder: Popular Print and National Identity in the Anglo-Dutch Atlantic World, 1600-1700

Jason Dyck
Assistant Professor of History at the University of Toronto
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Piety, Presidios, and Polemics: Juan de Albizuri and the Northern Missions of Seventeenth-Century Mexico

Raquel Escobar
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Reconcile the Indian, Reconcile the Nation: Indigenismo, the Nation, and Transnational Networks of the Inter-American Indian Institute

Nick Estes
PhD Candidate in American Studies at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner Fellow
Indian Questions: Self-Determination, Tribalism, and Colonial Power at the Dawn of the American Century

Max Flomen
PhD Candidate in History at the University of California, Los Angeles
Newberry Library – Jack Miller Center Fellow
War and Slavery in the Texas-Louisiana Borderland, 1760-1845

Noah Gentele
PhD Candidate in History at Yale University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Napoleon and the Timelines of Modernity: The Form and Sense of the Past in France and Britain, 1783-1852

Julia Gossard
Assistant Professor of History at Utah State University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Reforming Children: The Pedagogy, Commerce, and Politics of Childhood in the Early Modern French World

Edward Gray
PhD Candidate in History at Purdue University
Newberry Library – École Nationale des Chartes Exchange Fellow (to the École)
The Marillac: Family Strategy, Religion, and Diplomacy in the Making of the French State during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

Carol Guarnieri
PhD Candidate in Literature at the University of Virginia
Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Illinois Fellow
New World, New Form: Novel Subjects in the Eighteenth-Century British Caribbean

Tiffany Hale
PhD Candidate in History at Yale University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Hostiles and Friendlies: Memory, U.S. Institutions, and the 1890 Ghost Dance

Bethany Hughes
PhD Candidate in Theatre and Drama at Northwestern University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Playing Indian on Stage 1829-1955

Holly Hurlburt
Associate Professor of History at Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The Struggle for Cem: Culture and Politics in the Late Fifteenth-Century Mediterranean

Rebecca Janzen
Assistant Professor of Literature at Bluffton College
Midwest Modern Language Association Fellow
Liminal Sovereignty: Mennonites and Mormons and Borderlands Popular Culture

Andrew S. Keener
PhD Candidate in English at Northwestern University
Lawrence Lipking Fellow
Theaters of Translation: Cosmopolitan Vernaculars in Shakespeare’s England

Juliet Larkin-Gilmore
PhD Candidate in History at Vanderbilt University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Native Health on the Move: A History of Disease, Travel, and Assimilation in the Southwestern United States, 1890-1928

Amy Lonetree
Associate Professor of History at the University of California, Santa Cruz
Frances C. Allen Fellow
Visualizing Native American Survivance: A Photographic History of the Ho-Chunk Nation, 1879-1960

Emily Macgillivray
PhD Candidate in American Culture at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Newberry Library – Jack Miller Center Fellow
I do not know any such woman: Native Women Traders’ Property, Mobility, and Self-Determination in the Great Lakes from 1740 to 1840

David Magliocco
Assistant Professor of History at Vanderbilt University
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium Faculty Fellow
Being Catholic: The Earl of Castlemaine and the Politics of Publicity

Patricia Manning
Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Kansas
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Madrid in Novellas and Maps

W. Todd Martin
Professor of English at Huntington University
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
Katherine Mansfield at the Newberry: A Compendium of Textual Revisions

Jennifer Miller
PhD Candidate in History at West Virginia University
Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Illinois Fellow
“Our Own Flesh and Blood”?: Indians and Moravians in the Eighteenth-Century Ohio Country

Isidora Miranda
PhD Candidate in Musicology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison
Newberry Library – American Musicological Society Fellow
Tagalog Zarzuelas and Musical Nationalism in Early Twentieth Century Manila, 1902 to 1936

Rose Miron
PhD Candidate in American Studies at the University of Minnesota
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Strategies of Self-Representation: Re-Thinking Public History as a Method of Mohican Resistance

Sarah Elaine Neill
Independent Scholar
Rudolph Ganz Short-Term Fellow
Frederick Stock and the Sound of German Modernism in Chicago, 1905-1942

Zachary Nowak
PhD Candidate in American Studies at Harvard University
Newberry Library – American Society for Environmental History Fellow
The American Train Station: An Environmental History

Joseph Otto
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Oklahoma
Arthur and Janet Holzheimer Fellow in the History of Cartography
Plumbing the Prairies: Water Management in the Agricultural Midwest

Aysha Pollnitz
Assistant Professor of History at Rice University
John S. Aubrey Fellow
New World, Ancient Texts, and New Justifications for Liberal Education

Sheryl E. Reiss
Independent Scholar
Sixteenth Century Society and Conference Fellow
A Portrait of a Medici Maecenas: Giulio de’ Medici (Pope Clement VII) as Patron of Art

Daniel Ritchie
Professor of Literature at Bethel University
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Fellow
Fashioning a Free People: Citizens, Subjects, Ladies, and Gentlemen in the Late Atlantic Enlightenment

Phillip Round
Professor of Native Studies at the University of Iowa
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Cultural Shorthand: Native Media and the Practice of Sovereignty

Elisabeth Schwab
PhD Candidate in Literature at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Arthur and Janet Holzheimer Fellow in the History of Cartography
Descriptions of Rome in the 14th to 16th Centuries: Antiquarian Practices in Humanist Literature

Tatiana Seijas
Associate Professor of History at Pennsylvania State University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
First Routes: Indigenous Trade and Travel between the American Southwest and Mexico

Marc Smith
Professor of French and Latin Paleography at the École Nationale des Chartes
Newberry Library – École Nationale des Chartes Exchange Fellow (to the Newberry)
Early French Writing Manuals, 1560-1815

Bartholomew Sparrow
Professor of Government at The University of Texas at Austin
Newberry Library – Jack Miller Center Fellow
Unequal at the Founding: Indentured Servants, the Poor, and the Colonial Legacy

J. Tomlin
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Tennessee
Newberry Library – Jack Miller Center Fellow
A Leveling Spirit: Religious Fear and Democratic Sensibilities in Early America

Patricia Trujillo
Associate Professor of Literature at Northern New Mexico College
Frances C. Allen Fellow
Between Fact and Fiction: Locating Genizara Identity in Lorraine Lopez’s The Galbadón Sisters and Women’s Tales from the New Mexico WPA: La Diabla a Pie

Silvia Valisa
Associate Professor of Italian Studies at Florida State University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
News, Notes and Novels: The Stabilimento Sonzogno and the Technologies of Culture in Italy, 1804-1914

Charity White
Independent Scholar
Arthur and Lila Weinberg Fellow
Looking Back to Move Forward: An Art and Social Intervention Approach to Race Relations

Garrett Wright
PhD Candidate in History at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Protecting the Plains: Central Plains Diplomacy and Movement, 1702-1806

Lisa Andersen
PhD Candidate in Art History, The University of British Columbia
Sixteenth Century Society and Conference Fellow
Mobility, Mutability, and Medium: Courtly Space and its Translations at Fontainebleau and Beyond

Jessica Arnett
PhD Candidate in History, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
Between Empires and Frontiers: Alaska Native Sovereignty and U.S. Settler Imperialism

Peter Bailey
Professor Emeritus of History, University of Manitoba
Visiting Professor of History, Indiana University Bloomington
Newberry Library – John Rylands Research Institute Exchange Fellow
Fun Factory: The Social History of British Music Hall and Variety Stage, 1840-1960

Tawrin Baker
Independent Scholar in History
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The Speech of Men and the Utterances of Brutes

Aliza Benjamin
PhD Candidate in Art History, Temple University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
From One Emperor to Another: Moctezuma, Charles V and the Circulation of Aztec Art and Artifacts in Hapsburg Europe

Alberto Bitonti
Adjunct Professor of Political Science, IES Abroad Rome
Institute for the International Education of Students (IES) Faculty Fellow
Revolutionary Public Interest: A Comparative Study of the Idea of the Public Interest in Revolutionary Pamphlets and Constitutional Writings in France and the United States

George Boulukos
Associate Professor of English Literature, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) Fellow
A Vindication of the Rights of Monsters: Conceiving Rights in the Anglophone Eighteenth-Century

Elizabeth Browning
PhD Candidate in History, University of California, Davis
Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Illinois Fellow
Nature’s Laboratory: Chicago and the Rise of a New Aesthetics of Labor, 1880-1930

Scott Cave
PhD Candidate in History, Pennsylvania State University
Newberry Library – American Musicological Society (AMS) Fellow
Cross-Cultural Communication in the Spanish Atlantic Frontier, 1470-1570

Rachel Clarke
PhD Candidate in Information Science, University of Washington
Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Illinois Fellow
The Role of Design in American Librarianship

Emilie Connolly
PhD Candidate in History, New York University
Newberry Library – Jack Miller Center Fellow
Indian Trust Funds and the Routes of American Capitalism, 1795-1865

Seth Cotlar
Professor of History, Willamette University
Newberry Library – Jack Miller Center Fellow
When the Olden Times Were New: A Cultural History of Nostalgia in Modernizing America, 1776-1860

Veronica Dadà
PhD Candidate in Philology, Literature, and Linguistics, University of Pisa
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
The Fundamental Contribution of Newberry Library’s Ms. 103.8 to the Critical Edition of Francesco Filelfo’s Odae

Shannon Epplett
PhD Candidate in Theatre History and Criticism, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner Fellow
The Steppenwolf Script: Habitus of Chicago’s Off-Loop Theatre

Jason Farr
Assistant Professor of English, Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Pedagogical Gestures: The Emergence of Deaf Education in English Literature and Natural Philosophy, 1640-1810

Kristie Flannery
PhD Candidate in History, The University of Texas at Austin
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
The Pacific Paradox: Forging Loyalty to Spain in the Philippines during the Age of Imperial Revolutions, 1750-1800

Nancy Gallman
PhD Candidate in History, University of California, Davis
Newberry Library – Jack Miller Center Fellow
American Constitutions: Life, Liberty, and Property in Colonial East Florida

Marie Glon
Assistant Professor of History, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Midwest Modern Language Association (MMLA) Fellow
Choreographic Enlightenment: European Dancing Masters at the Heart of a Publishing Phenomenon (1700-1760)

Szymon Gruda
PhD Candidate in Liberal Arts, University of Warsaw
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Language and Culture Contact Phenomena in the So-Called Vocabulario Trilingüe of the Newberry Library Vault Ayer MS 1478

Amy Harris
Associate Professor of History, Brigham Young University
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) Fellow
Family Life and Lineage in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries

Ana Hontanilla
Associate Professor of Language, Literatures, and Cultures, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Sentiment and the Law: Slavery, Race, and Freedom in the Spanish Caribbean (1770-1821)

John Hunt
Assistant Professor of History and Political Science, Utah Valley University
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Gaming and Sociability in the Streets of Early Modern Rome

Rachel Jackson
PhD Candidate in Composition, Rhetoric, and Literacy, The University of Oklahoma
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
Rhetorical Resurrection, Red State Redemption: The Recovery of Resistance in Oklahoma

Kara Johnson
PhD Candidate in English, Northwestern University
Lawrence Lipking Fellow
Writing Work: Narratives of American Literary Labor

Jacob Jurss
PhD Candidate in History, Michigan State University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
Boundaries of Authority: American Indians, U.S. Government Maps, and the Prairie du Chien Treaty Council of 1825

Jessica Ling
PhD Candidate in English, University of California, Berkeley
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
The Novel and the Parish, 1819-1925

Alessandra Link
PhD Candidate in History, University of Colorado Boulder
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
The Iron Horse in Indian Country: Native Americans and Railroads in the U.S. West, 1850-1920

Timothy Macdonald
Independent Scholar in Music and Computer Science
Arthur and Lila Weinberg Fellow
Folk but Baroque: Re-Examining the Performance Practice and Genre of 18th-Century Scotland

Simone Maghenzani
Postdoctoral Research Associate in History, University of Cambridge
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
‘A Reformation Never Happened’: Myth, Memory, and the Italian Reformation (1550-1800)

Isabel Marín Sánchez
Associate Professor of Social Anthropology, IES Abroad Granada
Institute for the International Education of Students (IES) Faculty Fellow
Multicultural Education and School Curriculum: Experiences and Contributions of Native Americans in the United States

Shannon McHugh
Postdoctoral Fellow in the College of Arts and Sciences, New York University
Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Fellow
The Gender of Desire: Feminine and Masculine Voices in Early Modern Italian Lyric Poetry

Gregory Michna
PhD Candidate in History, West Virginia University
Newberry Library – Jack Miller Center Fellow
Facing Outward and Inward: Native American Missionary Communities in New England, 1630-1763

Kathryn Moore
Assistant Professor of Fine Arts, The University of Hong Kong
Renaissance Society of America (RSA) – Kress Foundation Fellow
The Architecture of the Holy Land: A History of Reception

Quentin Morcrette
PhD Candidate in Geography, Lumière University Lyon II
Arthur and Janet Holzheimer Fellow in the History of Cartography
Mapping Itineraries: Diachronic Comparison, France / United States

Jeffrey Noonan
Professor of Music, Southeast Missouri State University
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
Newberry Songbooks: A Performing Edition and a Cultural Setting

Kate Ozment
PhD Candidate in English Literature, Texas A&M University
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
The Page and the Stage: Women’s Commercial Writing in the Long Eighteenth Century

Nora Peterson
Assistant Professor of French Cultural Studies, University of Nebraska – Lincoln
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium Faculty Fellow
Involuntary Confessions of the Flesh in Early Modern France

Jacomien Prins
Global Research Fellow in the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, University of Warwick
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium Faculty Fellow
‘A Well-Tempered Life’: Music, Health, and Happiness in Renaissance Learning

Daniel Radus
PhD Candidate in English Language and Literature, Cornell University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
Elias Johnson, Minnie Myrtle, and the Communal Authorship of Haudenosaunee History

Marvin Richardson
PhD Candidate in History, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
Haliwa-Saponi Racial Choices Mid-Twentieth Century

Jennifer Saracino
PhD Candidate in Art History and Latin American Studies, Tulane University
Newberry Library – American Society for Environmental History (ASEH) Fellow
Shifting Landscape: Depictions of Environmental and Cultural Disruption in the Mapa Uppsala of Mexico-Tenochitlan

June Scudeler
PhD Candidate in English, The University of British Columbia
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
oskisihcikêw / New Traditions in Cree Two-Spirit, Gay and Queer Narratives

Jessica Stair
PhD Candidate in the History of Art, University of California, Berkeley
John S. Aubrey Fellow
Indigenous Literacies and Systems of Remembrance in the Techialoyan Manuscripts of Seventeenth-Century New Spain

Michael Taylor
PhD Candidate in English, The University of British Columbia
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
Writing “in Brotherhood”: Reconstituting Indigenous Rights, Responsibilities, and Citizenship at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

David Temin
PhD Candidate in Political Science, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
Remapping Indigenous Sovereignty, Unmapping Settler Hegemony: Vine Deloria, Jr. and the American Indian Sovereignty Movement

Stephen Warren
Associate Professor of History and American Studies, The University of Iowa
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
Rediscovering Erminie Wheeler Voegelin’s The Society and Culture of the Shawnee Indians

Jessica Yann
PhD Candidate in Anthropology, Michigan State University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellow
Power in Trade: Exchange Relationships in the Great Lakes Region

Michael Bane
PhD Candidate in Musicology, Case Western Reserve University
Newberry Library Short Term Fellow
Musical Practices of the Honnête Homme in Seventeenth-Century France

Amy Bergseth
PhD Candidate in History, University of Oklahoma
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Intertribal Interactions and Community Resilience in Nine Northeastern Oklahoma Indian Nations

Samuel Brannon
PhD Candidate in Musicology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Writing about Music in Early-Modern Print Culture: Authors, Readers, and Printers

Michela Cecconi
Independent Scholar, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Newberry Library-Kress Foundation Fellow
At the Dawn of Western Calligraphy: Writing Rules and Actual Usage of the Italic Script in the Sixteenth Century

Laura Cervi
Lecturer, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona & IES Abroad Barcelona
Institute for the International Education of Students (IES) Faculty Fellow
Active Citizenship and Minorities: The Intercultural Dialogue Challenge

Katy Chiles
Assistant Professor of English, University of Tennessee
Newberry Library Short Term Fellow
Raced Collaboration: The Idea of Authorship and Early African American and Native American Literature

Duane Corpis
Assistant Professor of History, Cornell University
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Contested Clamor: Histories of Pre-Industrial Noise in Early Modern Germany

Lucas Dietrich
PhD Candidate in English Literature, University of New Hampshire
Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Fellow
Future Readers: W.E.B. DuBois, Sui Sin Far, and the A.C. McClurg & Co. Catalogue

Erin Downey
PhD Candidate in Art History, Temple University
Renaissance Society of America (RSA) Fellow
The Bentvueghels: Networking and Agency in the Seicento Roman Art Market

Elizabeth Ellis
PhD Candidate in History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
“Altho You Are But Few In Numbers”: The Petites Nations in the Lower Mississippi River Valley from the Natchez Wars through the Louisiana Purchase

Jérémie Ferrer-Bartomeu
PhD Candidate in History, École Nationale des Chartes
Newberry Library-École Nationale des Chartes Exchange Fellow
The Will of the State: Power of the “Offices”, Correspondence and Reconfiguration of the Political Society: the Department of Nicolas de Neufville, Lord of Villeroy, State Secretary (circa 1560–1610)

Tol Foster
Assistant Professor of English, Marquette University
Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner Fellow
‘To Become One, and Yet Many’: The Enduring Indian Territory and the Twentieth Century Cultural Revision of The United States

Cristina Gonzalez
Associate Professor of Latin American Art History, Oklahoma State University
Renaissance Studies Consortium Faculty Fellow
Women on the Cross: Imitatio Christi and Female Piety in the Spanish World, 1500-1850

Tomasz Grusiecki
PhD Candidate in Art History, McGill University
Renaissance Studies Consortium Graduate Student Fellow
Incarnated Histories: Polish-Lithuanian Clothes as the Conduit of Knowledge (1587-1668)

Angela Haas
Visiting Assistant Professor of History, University of Maine
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Miracles in the Press: Religious Authority and Intellectual Autonomy in Eighteenth-Century France

Alanna Hickey
PhD Candidate in Literature, Northwestern University
Lawrence Lipking Fellow
The Forms of National Belonging: The Politics of US Citizenship in Nineteenth-Century Native American Print Poetry

Elizabeth Horodowich
Professor of History, New Mexico State University
Sixteenth Century Society and Conference (SCSC) Fellow
Armchair Travelers and the Venetian Discovery of the New World

Paula Hrycyk
PhD Candidate in History, Universidad de Buenos Aires & IES Abroad Buenos Aires
Institute for the International Education of Students (IES) Faculty Fellow
Forging American Art and Identity: Public Interventions during the Great Depression

Joshua Jeffers
PhD Candidate in History, Purdue University
Newberry Library-American Society for Environmental History (ASEH) Fellow
Native Spaces, Settler Colonial Landscapes, and the Culture of Manifest Destiny: Geographies of Power and the Transformation of Ohio Country, 1701-1830

Robert Ketterer
Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature, University of Iowa
Newberry Library-American Musicological Society (AMS) Fellow
Early Opera, Ancient History, and European Relations with the Ottoman Empire

Heather Kopelson
Assistant Professor of History, University of Alabama
Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Illinois Fellow
Idolatrous Processions: The Production of Peoples and Places in the Atlantic World

Joshua Levy
PhD Candidate in History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Eating Empire, Going Local: Food, Power, and Sovereignty on Pohnpei, 1886-2000

Scott Libson
PhD Candidate in American History, Emory University
Newberry Library Short Term Fellow
The Christianization of Capital: The Business of Mission Movement Fundraising, 1865-1929

Francesco Lo Conte
Assistant Professor of Literature, Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
For a Critical Edition to: Laurentius Valla, Antidotum II in Pogium: The Examination of Chicago, Newberry Library, MS 97.7

Christopher Looby
Professor of English, University of California, Los Angeles
Newberry Library Short Term Fellow
Alice French / Octave Thanet’s Queer Nineteenth Century

Erik McDuffie
Associate Professor of African American Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Newberry Library Short Term Fellow
Garveyism in the American Heartland: Black Internationalism in the Diasporic Midwest

Jorge Macle
Researcher and Curator of Maps, National Archives of the Republic of Cuba
Arthur and Janet Holzheimer Fellow in the History of Cartography
Contexts and Mapping Trends in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: Perceptions from an Insular Construction

Dustin Mack
PhD Candidate in History, University of Oklahoma
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
A River of Continuity, Tributaries of Change: The Chickasaw and the Mississippi River, 1736-1836

Devon Miller
PhD Candidate in Anthropology, Michigan State University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Dwelling on a Northern Indiana Settlerscape, 1829-1860

Max Mishler
PhD Candidate in History, New York University
Newberry Library-Jack Miller Center Fellow
Boundaries of Freedom: Abolition, Punishment, and the Atlantic Origins of Mass Incarceration

Justine Murison
Associate Professor of English, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Midwest Modern Language Association (MMLA) Fellow
American Infidelity: Secularity, Slavery, and the Making of U.S. Fiction

Mindy LaTour O’Brien
PhD Candidate in Musicology, University of California, Los Angeles
Newberry Library-École Nationale des Chartes Exchange Fellow
Music and Moral Repair in Early Modern France

Gillian O’Brien
Senior Lecturer in History, Liverpool John Moores University
Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Illinois Fellow
‘America’ and the Illustrations of Thomas Nast

Antonio Ricci
Associate Professor of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, York University
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
The Furioso in Print: Early Editions of a Renaissance Bestseller

Ran Segev
PhD Candidate in Colonial Latin American History, University of Texas-Austin
Newberry Library Short Term Fellow
The Science of Faith: Spanish Mysticism, Biblical Imagination, and the Study of Nature in the Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Spanish Atlantic

Rowan Steineker
PhD Candidate in History, University of Oklahoma
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
The Indian Solution to the “White Problem”: Education, Race, and Sovereignty in the Nineteenth Century Creek Nation

Yevan Terrien
PhD Candidate in History, University of Pittsburgh
Newberry Library-Jack Miller Center Fellow
Exiles and Fugitives: Mobility, Labor, and Power in Early Louisiana (ca. 1700-1810)

Simone Testa
Postdoctoral Research Assistant, University of London
Newberry Library Short Term Fellow
Politics and Geography in the Manuscript Collection of Giacomo Castelvetro

Jesse Tisch
Independent Scholar and Director of the Posen Foundation U.S. in New York City
Arthur and Lila Weinberg Fellow
Rebel with a Cause: A Life of Ben Hecht

Elizabeth Savage
Research Associate, The John Rylands Research Institute
Newberry Library-Kress Foundation Fellow
Vivid Prints: Color Printmaking and the Transformation of Visual Information in Early Modern Germany

Krista Walters
PhD Candidate in History, University of Manitoba
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
‘Amused Natives’, ‘Happy Inuit’, and ‘(Dis)satisfied Researchers’: Nutrition Experts’ Emotional Encounters with an ‘Alien Race’ in Northern Canada, 1960-1980

Rishona Zimring
Associate Professor of English, Lewis and Clark College
Newberry Library Short Term Fellow
Architecture is Frozen Music: Excavating Chicago’s Modernist Dance Cultures

Catherine Akeroyd
PhD candidate in History, The Research School of Humanities and the Arts, Australian National University
Arthur and Janet Holzheimer Fellow in the History of Cartography
Depicting ‘Terra Australis’: The Iconography in the Southern Continent on Maps 1508–1690

Chris Barrett
Assistant Professor of English, Louisiana State University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Dangerous Cartographies: Threats, Death, and The Faerie Queene’s Missing Maps

Cathleen Cahill
Associate Professor of History, University of New Mexico
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Highway 101: Indians, Roads, and Regional Identity

Ryan Carr
PhD Candidate in English, Yale University
Newberry Consortium on American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Arts and Sciences of American Expression, 1820–1890

Urvashi Chakravarty
Assistant Professor of English, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Serving Like A Free Man: Labor, Liberty, and Consent in Early Modern England

Gema Cienfuegos Antelo
Contract Professor of Literature, Institute for the International Education of Students, Madrid, Spain
Institute for the International Education of Students Faculty Fellow
Sketches from Spain: Reading American Life at the Dawn of Romanticism

William Coleman
PhD Candidate in History, University College London
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Music and Political Culture in the United States from the Early Republic to the Civil War Era

Kathleen Comerford
Professor of History, Georgia Southern University
Sixteenth Century Society and Conference Fellow
Mutual Conquests: Jesuit Foundations and Medici Power, 1527–1621

Elizabeth Cross
PhD Candidate in Modern European History, Harvard University
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Fellow
The Compagnie des Indes and the Fate of Commercial Empire in the French Revolution

Thomas Dodman
Assistant Professor of History, Boston College
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Nostalgia: The History of a Deadly Emotion

Klint Ericson
PhD Candidate in Art History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Newberry Consortium on American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Sumptuous and Beautiful, As They Were: Architectural Form, Everyday Life, and Cultural Encounter in a Seventeenth-Century New Mexico Mission

Julie Fisher
PhD Candidate in History, University of Delaware
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
English Sachems: How Personal Alliances and Friendships Shaped Indian-English Politics, 1636–1678

Sarah Gardner
Professor of History, Mercer University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The World the Reviewers Made

Susan Gaylard
Assistant Professor of Italian Studies, Unviersity of Washington
Newberry Library-Kress Foundation Fellow
Beautiful Monsters: Gendering History in 16th Century Portrait-Books

Ryan Hall
PhD Candidate in History, Yale University
Newberry Consortium on American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Blackfoot Country: Encounters with European Imperialism, 1780–1870

Linsey Hansen
PhD Candidate in Art History, Indiana University
Newberry Library-École Nationale des Chartes Exchange Fellow (to the École)
Visual Strategies for Episcopal Self-Promotion at the Cathedrals of Amiens, Bourges, and Reims

Elizabeth Heath
Assistant Professor of History, Florida International University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Sugar and Luxury: Rethinking the Everyday Origins of the French Revolution

Margaret Huettl
PhD Candidate in American West and Native American Studies, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Newberry Consortium on American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Inawemaagen and Meyaagizid (Relatives and Strangers): Ojibwe Peoplehood from 1850 to 1950

Michael Hughes
PhD Candidate in History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Newberry Consortium on American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Customs, Crime, and Culture: Sovereignty and Jurisdiction in the Northern Fur Trade, 1782–1846

Benjamin Irvin
Associate Professor of History, University of Arizona
Newberry Library-Jack Miller Center Fellow
“Invalids” and Independence: Veterans’ Disability and State Formation in the Early U.S. Republic

Amanda Johnson
PhD Candidate in English Literature, Vanderbilt University
Newberry Consortium on American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Romance of the New World: Race and Creole Identity in British America, 1689–1840

Kasey Keeler
PhD Candidate in American Studies, University of Minnesota
Frances C. Allen and Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Survivance in the Suburbs: American Indians in Minnesota, 1880–2010

Jacob Lee
PhD Candidate in History, University of California, Davis
Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Illinois Fellow
Imaginary Empires: Kinship, Rivers, and Empire in the Illinois Country, 1550–1840

Robert Lee
PhD Candidate in History, University of California, Berkeley
Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Illinois Fellow
Louisiana Purchases: The US-Indian Treaty System in the Missouri River Valley, 1804–1851

Gretchen Long
Associate Professor of History, Williams College
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Writing Freedom Down: African American Handwriting and Emancipation

Una McIlvenna
Postdoctoral Research Fellow of History, University of Sydney, Australia
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Singing the News of Death: Execution Ballads in Pre-Modern Europe (1500–1900)

Merixell Martin-i-Pardo
Professor of Religion, Institute for the International Education of Students, Barcelona, Spain
Institute for the International Education of Students Faculty Fellow
A Deeply Rooted Myth Disables the 1982 Organic Law of Religious Freedom in Spain

Kyle Mays
PhD Candidate in History and American Indian Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Newberry Consortium on American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
And We Shall Remain: Reclaiming Detroit as an Indigenous Space, 1836–1993

Anne Elizabeth Moore
Independent Scholar and Instructor, Department of Visual and Critical Studies, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Arthur and Lila Weinberg Fellow
Declaration of Sentiments II

Garrett Morrison
PhD Candidate in English, Northwestern University
Lawrence Lipking Fellow
The Place of Print: Publication and the Regional Imagination in the Mining West, 1849–1869

Paul Moxon
Independent Scholar and Visiting Letterpress Instructor
Arthur and Lila Weinberg Fellow
Researching the Literature of Proof Press Manufacturing, Maintenance, and Makeready as a Means to Instill Best Practice in Letterpress Printing Today

Heather Muckart
PhD candidate in Art History, Visual Art and Theory, University of British Columbia, Canada
Newberry Library-Kress Foundation Fellow
Truth, Vision, and Knowing in Early Modern English Martyr Portraits

Leslie Mairin Odle
PhD Candidate in Atlantic History, New York University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Stories Written on the Body: Cross-Cultural Markings in the North American Atlantic, 1600–1830

Camille Poiret
Assistant Director, Edmond Rostand Mediatheque, City of Paris
Newberry Library-École Nationale des Chartes Exchange Fellow (to the Newberry)
St. Victor of Paris’ Abbey’s Ordinal, a Critical Edition of its Sanctoral

Mark Rankin
Assistant Professor of English, James Madison University
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
William Tyndale’s Practice of Prelates (1530) and the Nature of Reading in Renaissance England

Bryan Rindfleisch
PhD Candidate in History, University of Oklahoma
Newberry Consortium on American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
From Ulster to Indian Country: George Galphin and the Atlantic Worlds of an Indian Trader in the Eighteenth Century

Samantha Seeley
PhD Candidate in History, New York University
Newberry Library-Jack Miller Center Fellow
Freedom, Race, and Forced Migration in the Early American Republic

Cameron Shriver
PhD Candidate in History, Ohio State University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Village to Nation: American Indian Political Culture in the Great Lakes, 1700–1850

Ashley Smith
PhD Candidate in Anthropology, Cornell University
Newberry Consortium on American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
“We Have Never Not Been Here:” Place, History, and Belonging in Native New England

Jameson Sweet
PhD Candidate in History, University of Minnesota
Newberry Consortium on American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Mixed-Blood Nation: Ethnogenesis, Land, and Power Among Dakota Mixed-Bloods in Nineteenth Century Minnesota

Cynthia Wall
Professor of English, University of Virginia
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The Impress of the Invisible

Megan Walsh
Assistant Professor of Literature, Saint Bonaventure University
Northeast Modern Language Association Fellow
A Nation in Sight: Book Illustration and Early American Literature

Ashley Wiersma
PhD Candidate in History, Michigan State University
Newberry Consortium on American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Refusing the Colonizer’s Hand: Modes of Indigenous Resistance in American Settler Colonies

Marie Winkelmann
PhD Candidate in History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Uneasy Intimacies: Race, Gender, and Interracial Relationships in the Colonial Philippines, 1898–1946

Laura Lehua Yim
Assistant Professor of English, San Francisco State University
Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner Fellow
Fluid Propriety: Water and Authority in Spenser and Shakespeare

Doris Avery
PhD Candidate in History, University of Montana
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Into the Den of Evils: Indian Slavery in the American West

Lalaine Bangilan Little
PhD Candidate in Art History, Binghamton University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Portable Devotion: Philippine Christian Visual Culture 1521–1815

Brooke Bauer
PhD Candidate in History, University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
“Inalienable Land”: The World of Sally New River, Catawba Indian Woman, 1746–1840

Catherine Boland
PhD Candidate in Architectural History, Rutgers University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Spaces of Immigration: American Railroad Companies, the Built Environment, and the Immigrant Experience

Elizabeth Bouldin
PhD Candidate in History, Emory University
University of Warwick-Newberry Library Visiting Research Fellow
Toleration and the Language of Civility among Dissenters in the British Atlantic, c. 1650–1750

Andrew Boyle
Tutor in History, University of Oxford, England
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
Samuel Daniel’s History of England (1618)

Elena Brizio
Adjunct Professor of History, IES Siena and Research Fellow and Vice Director, The Medici Archive Project, Florence, Italy
Institute for the International Education of Students (IES) Faculty Fellow
The ‘Cruel’ Mother and her Children. Really ‘Cruel’ or Just Alone?

David Christensen
PhD Candidate in History, University of Nevada–Las Vegas
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
“Give Much Ask for Little”: Lakota Community Building and Red Power in Western Nebraska, 1917–1990

Frances Clarke and Rebecca Jo Plant
Senior Lecturer of History, University of Sydney, Australia; and Associate Professor of History, University of California, San Diego
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellows
Minors in the Military: A History of Child Soldiers in America from the Revolution to the Civil War

Joseph Clarke
Lecturer of History, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellows
Revolution, Revival and Reaction: The Culture and Politics of Religion in France from the Republic to the Restoration

Paige Conley
PhD Candidate in English, Composition, and Rhetoric, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
The Rhetorical Legacy of Gertrude Simmons Bonnin/Zitkala-Ša

Christine Croxall
PhD Candidate in History, University of Delaware
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellows
Holy Waters: Lived Religion, Identity and Loyalty along the Mississippi River, 1780–1830

Thomas Finger
PhD Candidate in History, University of Virginia
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellows
Harvesting Power: American Agriculture and British Industry, 1776–1918

Catharine Franklin
Postdoctoral Fellow in American History, Angelo State University/Jackson Brothers Fellow, Beinecke Library, Yale University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellows
“The Army Stands Between”: The United States Army, Federal Indian Policy, and Native Sovereignty, 1862–1902

Rachel Galvin
Lecturer in Comparative Literature, Princeton University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellows
The “Texture of Actuality”: Marianne Moore and Her Times

Wendy Hyman
Assistant Professor of English, Oberlin College
John N. Stern Fellow
Skeptical Seductions: Carpe Diem Poetry and the Eroticism of Doubt

Joanne Jahnke Wegner
PhD Candidate in History, University of Minnesota
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Intimate Economies: Captive Bodies in Colonial New England

Lori King
Adjunct Professor of Religious Studies, IES Rome, Italy
Institute for the International Education of Students Faculty Fellow
The Role of Women’s Mysticism as an Agent for Social Change

Amy Kohout
PhD Candidate in History, Cornell University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Show and Tell: Nature and Empire on American Frontiers, 1886–1909

Frances Kolb
PhD Candidate in History, University of Montana
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
“Holler to Stop the Dam Builders”: The Glacier View Dam Project and the Origins of the American Environmental Movement

Stephanie Koscak
PhD Candidate in History, Indiana University–Bloomington
University of Warwick-Newberry Library Visiting Research Fellow
Multiplying Pictures for the Public: Reproducing the English Monarchy, c. 1648–1780

Kathryn Labelle
Postdoctoral Fellow in History, York University, Canada
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellows
Voices of Resistance: Wendat Indian Removal Throughout An Era of Multiple Relocations, 1701–1867

Hedy Law
Assistant Professor of Music History, Southern Methodist University
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Fellow
Beautiful Chaos: Music, Pantomime and Freedom in the French Enlightenment

Timoty Leonardi
Curator of Manuscripts and Rare Books, Fondazione Museo del Tesoro del Duomo and Archivio Capitolare, Italy
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellows
Early Bookbindings on Incunabula in the John M. Wing Collection: A Working Census

Lois Leveen
Independent Scholar
Arthur and Lila Weinberg Fellow
Crispus America

Carla Lois
Professor of Geography, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow in the History of Cartography
Mapping Revolutions: Latin American State Formation in European Atlases (1800–1860)

Miriam Martin
PhD Candidate in History, Vanderbilt University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellows
Black Militias in the 18th Century Atlantic World

Douglas Miller
PhD Candidate in History, University of Oklahoma
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellows
“It’s Within Ourselves”: Urban Relocation and American Indian Initiative, 1940s–1960s

Erin Millions
PhD Candidate in History, University of Manitoba
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Constructing ‘Britishness’ in Fur Trade Country: The Education of Fur Trade Children, 1821-1870

Andrew Offenberger
PhD Candidate in History, Yale University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Yoeme Perspectives of the “Yaqui Problem”: U.S. Capital, Indigenous Labor, and the Mexican Revolution

Bradley Pecore
PhD Candidate in History of Art and Visual Studies, Cornell University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Stone Indians: Complicating Queer in the Art of Ferdinand Pettrich

Renya Ramirez
Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Cruz
Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner Fellow
The Cloud Family: The Lives and Work of Henry Roe Cloud, Elizabeth Bender Cloud, and Woesha Cloud North

Joseph Rezek
Assistant Professor of English, Boston University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellows
Tales from Elsewhere: The Aesthetics of Provinciality and the Book Trade in Ireland, Scotland, and the United States, 1800–1850

Marvin Richardson
PhD Candidate in History, University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Haliwa-Saponi Identity and Political Development

Matthew Rivera
PhD Candidate in History, University of California, Riverside
Northeast Modern Language Association Fellow
Manufacturing a Religious and Political Identity: The Discalced Augustinian Career in the South of France, 1598–1640

Anna Serra Zamora
Adjunct Lecturer in the Humanities, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellows
Evangelization and Visual Rhetoric. Techniques for Spiritual Colonization by the Franciscans in America

Matthew Suazo
PhD Candidate in English, University of California, Santa Cruz
Midwest Modern Language Association Fellow
Marais Impraticable: Translating Colonial Louisiana in Chateaubriand’s Atala

Whitney Taylor
PhD candidate in English, Northwestern University
Lawrence Lipking Fellow
The Muse Function: The Poetics of Inspiration in Renaissance English Writing

Simran Thadani
PhD Candidate in English, University of Pennsylvania
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellows
“The Pen’s Transcendencie”: The Reshaping of English Handwriting through Print, 1570–1720

Stan Thayne
PhD Candidate in Religious Studies, University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
Varieties of Catawba Religious Experience: An Ethnography of Religious Pluralism in the Catawba Nation

Jeremy Thompson
PhD Candidate in History, The University of Chicago
Newberry Library – École Nationale des Chartes Exchange Fellow (to the École)
Monastic Life and Social Engagement in the Ninth Century: The Place of Lupus of Ferrières in the Predestination Controversy

Carlo Vecce
Professor of Italian Literature, Universita’L’Orientale Napoli, Italy
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellows
From Naples to Venice: An “Arcadia” in the Newberry

Kathleen Washburn
Assistant Professor of English, University of New Mexico
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellows
We Moderns: Native Literary Crossings, 1890–1935

Isaiah Wilner
PhD Candidate in History, Yale University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Student Fellow
The Broken Coast: A Journey to the Edge of Thought

Sierra Adare-Tasiwoopa api
PhD Candidate in American Studies, SUNY Buffalo
Frances C. Allen Fellow/Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner Fellow
Color Me Red: Indigenous Cultural (In)Visibility in Children’s Literature

Maile Arvin
PhD Candidate in Ethnic Studies, University of California, San Diego
Frances C. Allen Fellow
Beyond Recognition: Regenerating Kanaka Maoli Identity in Contemporary Hawai’i

Shawn Bailey
PhD Candidate in History, University of Montana
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
“Holler to Stop the Dam Builders”: The Glacier View Dam Project and the Origins of the American Environmental Movement

Katherine Beane
PhD Candidate in American Studies, University of Minnesota
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Woyakapi Kin Akipi “Bringing the Story Home”: The History of the Flandreau Santee Sioux Oyate

Rachel Blumenthal
PhD Candidate in English, Northwestern University
Lawrence Lipking Fellow
The ‘Secret’ History of American Institutions: Women, Madness, and Nineteenth-Century Life-Writing

Nicholas Brown
PhD Candidate in Landscape Architecture and American Indian Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Landscape, Justice, and the Politics of Indigeneity: Mapping White Possession and Settler Indigeneity in the Alberta/Montana Borderlands

Cynthia Bouton
Associate Professor of History, Texas A&M University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Subsistence, Society, and Culture in the Atlantic World in the 18th Century and Age of Revolution

Jana Byars
Assistant Professor of History, Iowa State University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Courtiers and Conquistadors: Masculinity and Male Friendship in the Early Modern Mediterranean

Maurizio Campanelli
Researcher and Lecturer of Greek, Latin, and Italian Studies, Sapienza-Università di Roma
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Principles of Textual Criticism in Incunabula

Godfried Croenen
Senior Lecturer of French Studies, University of Liverpool
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
(Re)Writing the Hundred Years’ War: The Genesis of Jean Froissart’s Chronicles

Demetri Debe
PhD Candidate in History, University of Minnesota
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Necessary Connections: Building Black Mobility in the Public Markets

Christine DeLucia
PhD Candidate in American Studies, Yale University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
The Memory Frontier: Making Past and Place in the Northeast after King Philip’s War

Jeffery Erbig
PhD Candidate in History, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Mapping’s Natural Limits: Cartography and Indigenous Space in the Río de la Plata, 1750–1831

Ashley Falzetti
PhD Candidate in Women’s and Gender Studies, Rutgers University
Frances C. Allen Fellow
The Reproduction of Colonial Relationships in the Stories of Frances Slocum

David Gehring
Honorary Research Fellow, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow/Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel Fellow
Foedus et Fractio: Anglo-German Relations During the European Wars of Religion and the Imprint on Elizabethan England

Sarah Guengerich
Assistant Professor of Spanish, Texas Tech University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Dissonant Histories: The Representations of Indigenous Andean Women in the Textual Discourses of Colonial Peru

Ethan Hawkley
PhD Candidate, Northeastern University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Conversion and Collaboration: Native Imperial Practice and Cultural Change in the Philippines, 1570–1750

Bruce Hayes
Associate Professor of French Literature, University of Kansas
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Castigating Comedy: Polemical Humor before and during the French Wars of Religion

Scott Heerman
PhD Candidate in History, University of Maryland
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
“The Nations of This Continent”: Slavery and Making the American Republic in the Mississippi Valley, 1750–1840

Robert Huffard
PhD Candidate in History, University of Florida
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Perilous Connections: Railroads in the post-Reconstruction South

Sakina Hughes
PhD Candidate in History, Michigan State University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Under One Big Tent: American Indians, African Americans, and the Circus World of Nineteenth-Century America

Lise Jaillant
PhD Candidate in English, University of British Columbia
Midwest Modern Language Association Fellow
Sherwood Anderson, the Modern Library Series and the Canon of American Literature

Khalil Johnson
PhD Candidate in African American Studies, Yale University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Red, Black, and Brown: African Americans in Indian Country, 1868–1975

Maeve Kane
PhD Candidate in History, Cornell University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
The Changing Material Culture of Iroquoia, 1650–1850

Anne Knowles
Associate Professor of Geography, Middlebury College
Short-Term Fellow in the History of Cartography
Mapping the American Century: Richard Edes Harrison and Erwin Joseph Raisz

Alan Lumba
PhD Candidate in History, University of Washington
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Histories of Money in the Philippines: From Colonial Currencies to National Sovereignty, 1899–1949

Rowena McClinton
Associate Professor of Native American Studies, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
The Payne-Butrick Papers, Volumes Seven through Fourteen

Molly Malone
PhD Candidate in Anthropology, University of British Columbia
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Colonialism, Consciousness, and Change: Upper Skagit Settlement Narratives and Watershed Interactions

Cody Marrs
Assistant Professor of English, University of Georgia
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Wayward Poets: Whitman, Melville, Douglass, and the Politics of Time

Andrew Mattison
Assistant Professor of English, University of Toledo
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Fictive Music: Lyric Poetry’s Myths of Origin, 1550–1700

Rebecca Nutt
PhD Candidate in History, Michigan State University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Peace, Power, and Persistence: Presidents, Indians, and Euro-American Missions in the American Midwest

Alba Newmann-Holmes
Lecturer in American Poetry, University of Denver
Short-Term Fellow in the History of Cartography
Robert Hass’s “Songs to Survive the Summer”

Brian Oberlander
PhD Candidate in Musicology, Northwestern University
Newberry Library/École Nationale Des Chartes Exchange Fellow
Singing the Avian Âme: Birds, Music, and Spirituality in Catholic Devotional Songbooks of
Early 17th-Century France

Gabriel Paquette
Assistant Professor of History, The Johns Hopkins University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The Strange Death of the Old Regime: Portugal and Brazil, c. 1760–1840

Ignasi Perez
Professor of Politics and Sociology, IES Barcelona
Institute for the International Education of Students Faculty Fellow
What the European Union Should Learn from the U.S. Founding Fathers

Brandon Reilly
PhD Candidate in Southeast Asian History, University of California, Los Angeles
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Collecting the People: Textualizing Epics in Philippine History

Chantal Rodriguez
PhD Candidate in History, University of Minnesota
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Tracking Bodies: Ethnic Mexican Railroad Workers’ Claims to Workplace Safety Rights, 1880–1964

Maria Sepa
Instructor of Italian Studies, IES Milan
Institute for the International Education of Students Faculty Fellow
Literature and the City: Literary Output and Urban Development in Early- 20th Century Chicago

Owen Stanwood
Assistant Professor of History, Boston College
Newberry Library/British Academy Exchange Fellow
The Transported: Rebels and Refugees in the British Atlantic World, 1660-1700

Silvia Tita
PhD Candidate in the History of Art, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Forging History: Visual Treatises on the Donation of Constantine in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

Bronwen Wilson
Associate Professor of Art History, University of British Columbia
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Journeys to Constantinople: Inscription, the Horizon and Duration in Early Modern Travel Imagery

Laurie Wood
PhD Candidate in History, University of Texas, Austin
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Fellow
Risks and Realities: Law and Practice in the Early Modern Caribbean

Kate Arthur
PhD Candidate in English, University of Exeter
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The Countess of Montgomery’s Urania in Conversation with Safavid Persia

Robert Baker
Assistant Professor of History, Georgia State University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Constitutional Law, Historical Narratives, and the Fugitive Slave Clause

José António Brandão
Professor of History, Western Michigan University
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
Memoirs of Michilimackinac

Pamela Brekka
PhD Candidate in Art History, University of Florida
Short-Term Fellow in the History of Cartography
The Antwerp Polyglot Bible: Montano’s ‘New World Indian-Jew’ Map as a Reflection of Sixteenth-Century Cultural Crosscurrents

Richard Cahan
Independent Scholar
Arthur and Lila Weinberg Fellow
Chicago Artifact

Angela Calcaterra
PhD Candidate in English, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Locating Natives in American Literary History

William Campbell
Assistant Professor of History, California State University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Las Indígenas on the Imperial Fringe: Allies and Adversaries in the Northern Amazonian Andes and Upper Ohio Country, 1535-1774

Alejandro Cañeque
Assistant Professor of History, University of Maryland
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Religion, Colonialism, and the Politics of Martyrdom in the Spanish Empire

Cheryl Cash
PhD Candidate in American Cultural Studies, Bowling Green State University
Frances C. Allen Fellow
The Art of Community Building: Art and Survival in the Post World War II Chicago Indian Community

Stephanie Crumbaugh
PhD Candidate in History, Johns Hopkins University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Capital Negotations: Native Diplomats in the American Capital from the Continental Congress to Andrew Jackson

Mónica Díaz
Assistant Professor of Colonial Spanish America, University of Texas Pan American
South Central Modern Language Association Fellow
Indigenous Nobility in New Spain: Forging an Ethnic Identity

Darryl Domingo
Instructor of English, University of Toronto
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Fellow
Unbending the Mind: or, The Rhetoric of Diversion in English Literature & Culture, 1690-1760

Anna Dysert
M.L.S Candidate in Archival Studies, McGill University
Newberry/École des Chartes Exchange Fellow (to the École)
Medical Marginalia and the Creation of the Canon: the Developing Mise-en-page of Medical Treatises, 1100-1300

Brian Gillis
PhD Candidate in English, University of California at Berkeley
Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner Fellow
Native Tongues: Red English, Translation, and the Transnational in American Indian Literature

Glenda Goodman
PhD Candidate in Historical Musicology, Harvard University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Songs Crossing the Atlantic: Identity, Belonging, and the Making of Hybrid Music in America

Julia Guarneri
PhD Candidate in History, Yale University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Making Metropolitans: Urban Culture and Print Community in U.S. Newspapers, 1880-1930

Jonathan Hancock
PhD Candidate in History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Shocks to the Natural Order: Indians, Settlers, Slaves, and the New Madrid Earthquakes

Nathaniel Holdren
PhD Candidate in History, University of Minnesota
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
“The Compensation Law Put Us Out Of Work”: Workplace Injury Law, Pre-Employment Physicals and Discriminatory Hiring in the Early 20th Century United States

Nichole Keway
PhD Candidate in English, Michigan State University
Frances C. Allen Fellow
“Anishinaabek Abroad”: Traditional and 19th Century Stories of the Journey

Sarah Keyes
PhD Candidate in History, University of Southern California
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Beyond the Plains: Migration to the Pacific and the Reconfiguration of America, 1820-1900

Douglas Kibbee
Professor of French, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
Political Philosophy and the Establishment of the Standard Language in France, 1550-1651

Delphine Le Corfec
Archivist-in-Training, École Nationale des Chartes
Newberry/École des Chartes Exchange Fellow (to the Newberry)
Caxton at the Newberry Library

Gregory Laski
PhD Candidate in English, Northwestern University
Lawrence Lipking Fellow
The Present-Past: Race, Repetition, and the Temporality of American Democracy after Slavery

Brian Lockey
Associate Professor in English, St. John’s University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Catholics, Royalists, and Cosmopolitans: Writing at the Margins of Early Modern England

John López
PhD Candidate in the History of Architecture and Art, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The Hydrographic City: Mapping Mexico City’s Urban Form in Relation to its Aquatic Condition, 1521-1700

Mark Meuwese
Associate Professor of History, University of Winnipeg
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Ethnic Soldiering Among the Mohawks of Colonial New York and the Potiguars of Northeastern Brazil in the Era of European Colonization, circa 1500-1800

Emily Michelson
Lecturer of History, University of St. Andrews
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The Pulpit and the Press in Catholic Italy, 1520-1600

Laura Muñoz
Lecturer in Art History, Universidad de Salamanca
Institute for the International Education of Students Faculty Fellow
The Effects of Globalization on Art: Architectural Transferences Between Europe and the United States During the 21st Century

Elaine Nelson
PhD Candidate in History, University of New Mexico
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Dreams and Dust in the Black Hills: Contested Identities in America’s “Land of Promise”: 1800-1973

Eric Olmanson
Independent Scholar, Rachel Carson Center
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
CB&Q Railroad

Jeff Ostler
Professor of History, University of Oregon
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Toward a History of an Indigenous Consciousness of Genocide and Destruction: Memories of Gnadenhütten

Paul Patterson
Assistant Professor of English, St. Joseph’s University
Newberry/British Academy Exchange Fellow (to British Academy)
Speculum Devotorum: An Edition with Commentary

Benjamin Reed
PhD Candidate in History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Devotion to Saint Philip Neri in Colonial Mexico City, 1659-1821

Sarah Sasson
Lecturer in French, IES Paris/Business and International Affairs Program
Institute for the International Education of Students Faculty Fellow
The Countess de Boigne: Scribe of Her Time

Fred Schurink
Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Newcastle University
Newberry/British Academy Exchange Fellow (to Newberry Library)
Renaissance Translations of Plutarch’s Essays and Lives: A New Edition

Spencer Snow
PhD Candidate in English, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Short-Term Fellow in the History of Cartography
Reading the Map: The Nationalization of Geographic Space, Reading Publics, and the Shaping of Nineteenth-Century American Identity, 1803-1898

Christopher Steinke
PhD Candidate in History, University of New Mexico
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Borderlands Conduit: The Missouri River Trade Corridor, 1718-1803

Samuel Thomas
Assistant Professor of History, University of Alabama at Huntsville
Newberry/British Academy Exchange Fellow (to British Academy)
Midwifery, Medicine, and Society in England, 1660-1725

Birgit Tremml
Teaching Assistant of History, University of Vienna
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The Philippines and the Pacific Ocean: Interfaces for Intercultural Encounters in the Early Modern Era

Daniel Wasserman
PhD Candidate in History, University of Virginia
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The Languages of Catholicism: Evangelization and Linguistic Politics in the Spanish World, c. 1550-1600

Daniel Watkins
PhD Candidate in History, Ohio State University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Writing the History of the People of God: Criticism, Censorship, and Enlightenment in the Affaire Berruyer (1728-1765)

Kate Williams
PhD Candidate in History, University of Minnesota
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Cyd Safiad (Standing Together): The Politics of Alliance of Welsh and American Indian Rights’ Movements, 1960s-2000

Kelly Wisecup
Assistant Professor of English, University of North Texas
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Communicating Disease: Medicine and Writing in Early American Colonial Encounters

Peter Beal
Senior Research Fellow, University of London
Newberry Library/British Academy Exchange Fellow (to the Newberry Library)
Catalogue of English Literary Manuscripts 1450-1700

Jessica Berman
Associate Professor of English, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Jack Conroy, the Community of Midwestern Radical Writers, and the Development of Political Narrative in the 1930s

Kent Blansett
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of New Mexico
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
A Journey to Freedom: The Life of Richard Oakes 1942-1972

Renate Burri
Ph.D. Candidate in Classics, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Ayer MS 743: A ‘Lost’ Manuscript of Ptolemy’s Geography

Annie Charon
Professor in Book History, École Nationale des Chartes
Newberry Library/École des Chartes Exchange Fellow (to the Newberry)
Devotion and Printing: Editions of Devotional Books in Sixteenth-Century Paris

Daniel Cobb
Assistant Professor of History, Miami University
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
D’Arcy McNickle and the Fight for Tribal Sovereignty: A Brief History with Documents

Boyd Cothran
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Minnesota
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Rivers of Memory: Episodes of Violence and Remembrance from the Klamath Basin

Margaret Cotter-Lynch
Assistant Professor of English, Southeastern Oklahoma State University
South Central Modern Language Association Fellow
Legenda Aurea and After: Perpetua in the Later Middle Ages

Esther Criscuola de Laix
Ph.D. Candidate in Music History and Literature, University of California, Berkeley
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Liturgy as Pedagogy in Lutheran Service Books, 1540-1590

Garrett Eisler
Ph.D. Candidate in Theatre, CUNY Graduate Center
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Performing Wartime Zionism: Ben Hecht and the Jewish-American Cultural Front

Stephanie Fitzgerald
Assistant Professor of English, University of Kansas
Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner Fellow
Land Narratives: Native Women’s Histories of Land and Law

Catherine Feely
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Manchester
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Karl Marx’s ‘Capital’ and Transatlantic Radical Book-Trade Networks in the Early Twentieth Century

Lori Anne Ferrell
Professor of Early Modern History and Literature, Claremont Graduate University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Extra-Illustrated Biblical Narrative

Michael Genovese
Ph.D. Candidate in English, University of Virginia
Midwest Modern Language Association Fellow
Sociable Currency: The Expansive Self of Eighteenth-Century British Literature

Robert Gilmer
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Minnesota
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
A Lake of Tears

Phillip Guilbeau
Ph.D. Candidate in Art History, University of Michigan
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
El Paular: Anatomy of a Charterhouse

Stefano Gulizia
Lecturer of Italian, Loyola College in Maryland
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
A Renaissance Dialogue on Marriage from the Newberry Collection

Kassandra Hartford
Ph.D. Candidate in Music History and Theory, State University of New York, Stony Brook
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Race, Nation, Musical Modernism: Rio de Janeiro, Paris, New York, 1914-1945

Lucinda Hawksley
Lecturer of Literature and Art History, IES London
Institute for the International Education of Students Faculty Fellow
Poverty and Wealth: A Comparative Study of the Dickens Brothers and Their Chicago Connections

Robert Hornback
Associate Professor of English, Oglethorpe University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Early Blackface Fools and Their Legacy

Grace Ioppolo
Professor of Shakespearean and Early Modern Drama, University of Reading
Newberry Library/British Academy Exchange Fellow (to the Newberry Library)
John Payne Collier’s 2 Volume Manuscript Book of Records of the Life of Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex

Virginia Kennedy
Ph.D. Candidate in English, Cornell University
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
The Nature of Nature: Literary Representations of American Indian and European Land Ethics from the Seventeenth Century to the Present

Rosalyn LaPier
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Montana
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
“Invisible Realities”: The Piegan Natural World

Jenny Lee
Ph.D. Candidate in English, Northwestern University
Lawrence Lipking Fellow
Confessio Auctoris: Authorial Confession and Ars Poetica in the Literature of Late Medieval England

John W. McCormack
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Notre Dame
Newberry Library/École des Chartes Exchange Fellow (to the École)
Wounded Faith: Monarchy and Memory in the French Wars of Religion

Michelle McKinley
Assistant Professor of Law, University of Oregon School of Law
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Fractional Freedoms: Slavery, Legal Activism, and Ecclesiastical Courts in Colonial Lima, 1593-1700

Manuel Martín-Rodríguez
Professor of Literature, University of California, Merced
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Gaspar de Villagrá’s ‘Historia de la nueva Mexico’ and Its Readerships

Kelli Mosteller
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Texas
Frances C. Allen Fellow
Place, Politics, and Property: Negotiating Allotment and Citizenship for the Citizen Potawatomi, 1861-1907

Anne Myers
Assistant Professor of English, University of Missouri, Columbia
Newberry Library/British Academy Exchange Fellow (to the British Academy)
Historic Foundations: Literature and Architecture in Early Modern England

Nicholas Nace
Visiting Lecturer of English, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Northeast Modern Language Association Fellow
Authorship and Suppression in the Richardson Circle

Diego Pirillo
Teaching Assistant in the History of Ideas, Scuola Normale di Pisa
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Humanism and the Geographical Discoveries: Johannes Boemus’ “Omnium gentium mores” and its European Reception

Lea Puljcan Juric
Ph.D. Candidate in English, New York University
Short-Term Fellow in the History of Cartography
Where People Kill With Their Looks: Illyria in Renaissance England and in Modern Literary Criticism

Jason Powell
Assistant Professor of English, St. Joseph’s University
Newberry Library/British Academy Exchange Fellow (to the British Academy)
The Complete Works of Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder

Julie Reed
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Frances C. Allen Fellow
A Nation’s Charge: Cherokee Social Services, 1835-1907

Bernd Renner
Associate Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, Brooklyn College, CUNY
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
The Rise of Vernacular Satire: the Example of the French Ship of Fools and Rabelais’s Apocryphal Fifth Book (1549)

Rupert Ridgewell
Curator of Music Collections, The British Library
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
“Konzertprogramm Austausch”: Breitkopf und Härtel and the Politics of Cultural Exchange, 1893-1941

Alcuin Volker Schachenmayr, O.Cist.
Assistant Professor in Church History, Pontifical Seminary Benedict XVI Heiligenkreuz
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow Funeral Rites in Cistercian Monasteries 1563-1782

Katy Simpson Smith
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Mother Americans: A Cross-Cultural Study of Southern Motherhood, 1750-1835

Martine Sauret
Visiting Professor of French, Macalester College
Short-Term Fellow in the History of Cartography
Early Maps of French Normand Explorers

Zeb Tortorici
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of California, Los Angeles
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Contra Natura: Sin, Crime, and Unnatural Sexuality in Colonial Mexico

Felicity Turner
Ph.D. Candidate in American History, Duke University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Narrating Infanticide: Constructing the Modern Gendered State in Nineteenth-Century America

Toni Veneri
Ph.D. Candidate in Italian Studies, Università degli Studi Trieste
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Spatializing Travel Writing: Cartographic Utopias for the Venetian Empire

Michael Wise
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Minnesota
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Graduate Fellow
Living like a Wolf: Predation and Conquest in the Montana-Alberta Borderlands

Nicholas Wolf
Postdoctoral Fellow in History, George Mason University
Short-Term Fellow in Irish and Irish-American Studies
Catholic Crosscurrents: English- and Irish-Language Devotional Writings in England and Ireland, 1750-1850

Andrew Woolley
Lecturer of Music, University of Leeds
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Fellow
English Keyboard Collections in the Newberry Library: Music Teaching and Amateur Music-Making in Restoration England

Ariel Yablon
Visiting Professor of History, IES Buenos Aires
Institute for the International Education of Students Faculty Fellow
Politics and the Development of State Bureaucracy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1880-1916

Fariba Zarinebaf
Assistant Professor of History, University of California, Riverside
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
From European Colony to Cosmopolitan Urbanity: Galata in Ottoman Modernity

Andrea Giaime Alonge
Associate Professor of Art History, University of Turin
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Writing in the Water: Ben Hecht and the Craft of Scriptwriting in Classical Hollywood

David Beck
Professor History, University of Montana
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
American Indians in Chicago before World War II

Michael Benedict
Professor of History, Ohio State University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The Favored Hour: The Constitutional Politics of Reconstruction, 1865-1896

Peter Bennett
Assistant Professor of Music, Case Western Reserve University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The Cult of Saint Denis during the Reign of Louis XXIII

Giles Bergel
Lecturer in English, University of California, Santa Barbara
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The Influence of Kimball and Stone’s Chap Book on Modernist Magazines

Mark Blackwell
Associate Professor of English, University of Hartford
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Personable Properties: It-Narrative, the Novel, and the British Traffic in Identity, 1740-1815

Rebecca Boone
Assistant Professor of History, Lamar University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The Renaissance in the Cabinet: Politics as a Private Matter in Early Modern Europe

Costica Bradatan
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Texas Tech University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
“To Philosophize is to Learn How to Die”: Philosophy and Martyrdom in Early Modern Europe

Tobias Brinkmann
Lecturer in History, University of Southampton
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Sundays at Sinai: A History of an Urban Jewish Congregation, Chicago Sinai Congregation, 1861-2000

Michael Catto
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute Italiano Scienze Umane
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Jesuits in China: Syncretism and Accommodation

Lauren Clay
Assistant Professor of History, Texas A& M University
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Fellow
The Culture of Commerce in Eighteenth-Century France

Rita Costa-Gomes
Assistant Professor of History, Towson University
Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel Fellow
A Lost City: Ribeira Grande (Santiago) before Drake’s Conquest

Michael Cox
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of California, Riverside
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The Sandusky Wyandots: A Persistent People, 1795-1843

Brian Dolinar
Lecturer in English, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
The Negro in Illinois

Deniz Ertan
Leverhulme Research Fellow, University of Nottingham
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Bearing News, Born Music: The Making of Musical Modernism in the U.S., 1908-27

Christine Ferdinand
Fellow Librarian, Magdalen College, University of Oxford
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The Economics of the Book Trade in Eighteenth-Century England

Linda Frey and Marsha Frey
Professor of History, University of Montana; Professor of History, University of Kansas
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Culture of French Revolutionary Diplomacy

Susan Gaylard
Assistant Professor of Italian, University of Washington
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Material Men: Public Image and Authority in Early Modern Italy

Carolyn Gilman
Special Projects Historian, Missouri Historical Society
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The American Revolution in the West

Kenneth Gouwens
Associate Professor of History, University of Connecticut
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Human Exceptionalism in the Renaissance

Josep Grau
Professor of History, IES Barcelona and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Institute for the International Education of Students Faculty Fellow
American Sources on Contemporary Spain

Kathryn Gucer
Lecturer in English, Northwestern University
British Academy Exchange Fellow
Revolution across the Channel

Kimberly Hossain
Assistant Professor of History, Western Washington University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Spanish Inquisition and an Orthodox Republic of Letters

Laura Johnson
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Delaware
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Cloth as Metaphor in the Early American Atlantic World, 1550-1750

Amelia Katanski
Assistant Professor of English, Kalamazoo College
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Writing the Living Law: American Indian Literature as Law

David Krump
Adjunct Literature and Composition Instructor, Viterbo University
Poetry Foundation/Newberry Library Fellows in American Poetry
The Livelong Day: Poems

Kimberly Lojek
M.S. Candidate in Historic Preservation, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Poetry Foundation/Newberry Library Fellows in American Poetry
The Plan of Chicago

Jean-Francois Lozier
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Toronto
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
In Each Others’ Arms: The St. Lawrence Mission Villages and France at War, 1630-1760

Stephen Martin
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Oklahoma
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Native Diaspora: Shawnee and Delaware Communities in the Mississippi Valley, 1779-1825

Ted Mitchell
Ph.D. Candidate in History, Michigan State University
Short-Term Fellow in the History of Cartography
Connecting a Nation, Dividing a City: How Railway Development Shaped Urban Space and Affected People in Nineteenth-Century Chicago

Susan Vida Muse
Ph.D. Candidate in English, Marquette University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Passion, Politics, Money, and Virtue: Eliza Haywood in Historical Context

Monique O’Connell
Assistant Professor of History, Wake Forest University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Renaissance Republicanism and Venetian Empire

Chris Parsons
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Toronto
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Plants and Peoples in French North America

Anne Peterson
Ph.D. Candidate in English, University of Iowa
Committee on Institutional Cooperation Graduate Student Fellow
The Rhetoric of Sovereignty in Native American Periodicals, 1828-1917

Dawn Peterson
Ph.D. Candidate in American Studies, New York University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Unusual Sympathies: Race, Family, and Servitude in Jacksonian Politics

Irina Podgorny
Professor of History, CONICET—Museo de la Plata
Institute for the International Education of Students Faculty Fellow
Elephants, Archaeologists, and Engineers: A Research Project on Jean Frederic Waldeck’s Manuscripts and Drawings Stored in the Ayer Collections of the Newberry Library

Manushag Powell
Assistant Professor of English, Purdue University
Midwest Modern Language Association Fellow
The Performance of Authorship in Eighteenth-Century English Periodicals

Erik Redix
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Minnesota
Committee on Institutional Cooperation Graduate Student Fellow
Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner Fellow
Sovereignty under Attack: The History of the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe Reservation, 1854-1923

Carmen Ripolles
Ph.D. Candidate in Art History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Constructing the Artistic Subject in Golden Age Spain

Molly Robey
Ph.D. Candidate in English, Rice University
Short-Term Fellow in the History of Cartography
Sacred Geographies: Religion, Race, and the Holy Land in American Literature, 1819-1920

Yael Sela
Ph.D. Candidate in Music, St. Hugh’s College, University of Oxford
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Music, Women, and Domesticity in Early Modern England

Marco Sioli
Professor of History, University of Milan
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Indians as Pirates: Barbarity in the Age of Lewis and Clark

Sarah Smith
Lecturer in History, Indiana University
École des Chartes Exchange Fellow
Inventing Natural Magic: Ethnography of Popular Belief, Scholasticism, and the Occult in William of Auvergne

Danica Sterud
Ph.D. Candidate in English, Fordham University
Frances C. Allen Fellow
D’Arcy McNickle adn the (Post)Colonial State of Indian Country

Andrew Sturtevant
Ph.D. Candidate in History, College of William and Mary
Short-Term Fellow in the History of Cartography
Onontio’s Children: French Detroit’s Native Population, 1701-1763

Jessica Straley
Assistant Professor of English, University of Utah
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
How the Child Lost Its Tail: Evolutionary Theory, Victorian Pedagogy, and the Development of Children’s Literature, 1860-1920

Daniel Terkla
Professor of English, Illinois Wesleyan University
British Academy Exchange Fellow
The Hereford Mappa Mundi: Placement, Reception, and Perception

Ruth Watson
Doctoral Studies Programme Leader, Fine Arts, University of Auckland
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
A Heart-Shaped World: Codiform Maps of the Sixteenth Century

Mary Beth Winn
Professor of French Studies, State University of New York at Albany
Northeast Modern Language Association/Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbutten Fellow
The Editions of Anthoine Verard (1485-c.-1512): Census and Study

Timothy Barrett
Professor of Art History, University of Iowa Center for the Book
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Non-destructive Analysis of 15th through 19th Century Paper

Antonella Barzazi
Assistant Professor of History, University of Napoli
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Books, libraries and culture in Venice between the Counter-Reformation and the Enlightenment

Lisa Blee
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Minnesota
Committee on Institutional Cooperation Graduate Student Fellow
Framing Chief Leschi: Memory, Justice and American Empire in Nisqually History

Matthew Bradley
Ph.D. Candidate in Anthropology, Indiana University
Committee on Institutional Cooperation Graduate Student Fellow
Ethnohistory of the Quallatown Cherokee, 1817-1876

Miranda Brady
Ph.D. Candidate in Communications, Penn State University
Committee on Institutional Cooperation Graduate Student Fellow
Mediation and Mechanisms of Power: The National Museum of the American Indian

Thomas Bremer
Assistant Professor of History, Rhodes College
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Worshiping Paradise: Yellowstone and the Religions of America

Janie Cole
Deborah Loeb Brice Fellow, Villa I Tatti, Harvard University
Northeast Modern Language Association Fellow
Poetry and Music in Early Baroque Italy: the Case of Strozzi

Holly Crawford Pickett
Assistant Professor in English, Washington and Lee University
British Academy Exchange Fellow
The Drama of Serial Conversion in Early Modern England

Stefano Dall’Aglio
Fellow in History, Medici Archive Project
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Politics and Religion between Conformity and Dissent in Sixteenth-Century Florence and Siena

Ryan Dearinger
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Utah
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Frontiers of Progress and Paradox: Building Canals, Railroads, and Manhood in the American West

Daniel DeSelm
Ph.D. candidate in History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
École des Chartes Exchange Fellow
Moving Relics: Relic translation and the formation of ideological and geographical boundaries at the end of the Carolingian era (840-987)

Jane Dougherty
Assistant Professor of English, Southern Illinois University
Midwest Modern Language Association Fellow
Mr. and Mrs. England: The Discursive Implications of the Anglo-Irish Union

Angelica Duran
Associate Professor of English, Purdue University
Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel Fellow
Milton Among Spaniards: Ours and Other

Kathleen DuVal
Assistant Professor of History, University of North Carolina
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Revolution without Rebels: The Gulf South and the War of America

Wayne Erickson
Associate Professor of English, Georgia State University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Spenser’s Patrons and Publishers

Junia Ferreira Furtado
Professor of History, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Short-Term Fellow in the History of Cartography
The Oracles of Enlightenment Geography in the Luso-Brazilian World: Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d’Anville, Ambassador Luis de Cunha and the Cartography of South America

Michael Fitzsimmons
Professor of History, Auburn University Montgomery
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Artisans and Workers: Guilds, the French State, and the Organization of Labor, 1776-1821

Margaret Garb
Assistant Professor of History, Washington University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Of Rights and Justice: The Origins of Black Politics in an Industrial City, Chicago, 1845-1915

Wendy Greyeyes
Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology, University of Chicago
Frances C. Allen Fellow
The Legal Foundations for the Guardianship Institution: A Study of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Cobell Litigation

Daniel Hershenzon
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Michigan
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Countering Captivitiy, Contouring Slavery: Spanish Slaves in the Ottoman Maghrib

Natalie Inman
Ph.D. Candidate in History, Vanderbilt University
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Fellow
Networking and Negotiation on the Frontier: A Comparative Study of Strategic Decision-Making in Cherokee, Chickasaw, and Anglo-American Families, 1700-1840

Miranda Johnson
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Chicago
Committee on Institutional Cooperation Graduate Student Fellow
Disputing History: Indigenous Claims to Settler States, 1965 to the present

Michael Kuczynski
Associate Professor of English, Tulane University
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
The Latin Sources to a Glossed Wycliffite Psalter, Oxford MS Bodley 554

Laura Keenan
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Pennsylvania
Short-Term Fellow in the History of Cartography
The Shawnees in the Colonial Atlantic World

Mark Lentz
Ph.D. Candidate in History, Tulane
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Don Toribio’s Alibi: Forgery and Bilingualism in Eighteenth-Century Yucatan

Xavier Loyant
Graduate Student, Ecole Nationale des Chartes
École des Chartes Exchange Fellow
The Political in Cultural Events: The Case of Ravinia Festival

Robert McCaw
Associate Professor of Spanish Literature, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Intricate Passages: The Poetics of Pilgrimage from Gongora to Sor Juana

Jennifer McGovern
Ph.D. Candidate in English, The University of Iowa
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Captive Audiences: (Re)Visions of Indian Captivity Narratives

Megan McCullen
Ph.D. Candidate in Anthropology, Michigan State University
Committee on Institutional Cooperation Graduate Student Fellow
Shifting community identities in the Western Great Lakes during the Seventeenth Century

Danika Medak-Saltzman
Ph.D. Candidate in Ethnic Studies, University of California, Berkeley
Frances C. Allen Fellow
Staging Empire: The Display and Erasure of Indigenous Peoples in Japanese and Americation Nation Building Projects (1868-1904)

Joellen Meglin
Associate Professor of Dance, Temple University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Ruth Page and the Quest for the First American Ballet in the Second City

Caroline Merithew
Assistant Professor of History, University of Dayton
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
‘A World to Gain’: Immigrants, Migrants, and Assimilation in Coal Mining

Vanessa Mongey
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Pennsylvania
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Cosmopolitan Republics: The Gulf of Mexico between 1783 and 1836

Marc Moscato
Communications Coordinator, City Club of Portland
Arthur Weinberg Fellow
The More Things Stay the Same

Nicole Nesberg
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Florida
Frances C. Allen Fellow
Life off the Reservation: A Gendered Transformation of American Indian Families, Community, and Identity During Urbanization, 1940-1975

Gillian O’Brien
Lecturer in History, Church of Ireland Theological School, University of Dublin
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The Muder of Dr. Patrick Henry Cronin

Sarah Purcell
Associate Professor of History, Grinnell College
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The Politics of Mourning and the U.S. Civil War

Daniel Pastor
Associate Professor of English, University of Salamanca/IES
Institute for the International Education of Students Faculty Fellow
The Spanish Civil War: A Perspective from American Radicals

Michele Reid
Assistant Professor of History, Georgia State University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Negotiating a Slave Regime: Free People of Color in Cuba and the Atlantic World, 1820-1868

Mark Robbins
Ph.D. Candidate in History, Brown University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Awakening the ‘Forgotten Folk’: Middle Class Consumer Activism in Post-World War I America

Jonathan Silberstein-Loeb
Ph.D. Candidate in History, Queens’ College
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
‘Tangle Wires’: A Business History of the News Agency

Joseph Silva
Ph.D. Candidate in Art History, Brown University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Cosimo i de’Medici’s Visual Program for the Naval Knighthood of St. Stephen in Florence and Pisa

Scott Stevens
Assistant Professor of English, University of Buffalo (SUNY)
Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner Fellow
Indian Collectibles: Encounters, Appropriations and Resistance in Native North America

Megan Thomas
Assistant Professor of History, University of California, Santa Cruz
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Nationalism, Orientalism, and Anthropology in the Late Nineteenth-Century Philippines

William Thomas III
Professor of History, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Railroads, Civil War, and the Development of Modern America, 1850-1869

Alicia Torija
Professor of History, IES Madrid
Institute for the International Education of Students Faculty Fellow
Writing as Indicator of change. Historical linguistics and cultural interaction in Iberian Peninsula

Alfredo Troiano
High School Latin and Italian Teacher, Liceo Scientifico “Luigi Garofano”
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
Contribution to the Manuscript Tradition of Domenico Cavalca’s “Specchio della Croce”: The MS 129 at the Newberry Library

Kiara Vigil
Ph.D. Candidate in American Culture, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Frances C. Allen Fellow
Native American Representational Politics: Simon Pokagon meets Carlos Montezuma

William Wagner
Ph.D. Candidate, History, University of California, Berkeley
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
‘Reading, Writing, and Rambling’: The Literary Culture of Travel in Antebellum America

Ted Wayland
Ph.D. Candidate in English, University of Washington
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
High Risk Modernism

Jenny Adams
Assistant Professor of English, University of Massachusetts
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
William Caxton’s The Game and Playe of Chesse, 1483

Erlinda Alburo
Professor of Anthropology and Languages and Literature, University of San Carlos
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Filling Gaps in Cebuano Local History

Antonella Barzazi
Assistant Professor of History, University of Napoli
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Books, libraries and culture in Venice between the Counter-Reformation and the Enlightenment

DeLyssa Karen Begay
Adjunct Instructor of English, Diné College / English Teacher, Chinle High School
Rockefeller Foundation Fellow in the Humanities
American Indian Women: Shaped by History and Memory

David Bernstein
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Committee on Institutional Cooperation Graduate Student Fellow
How the West Was Drawn: Geopolitics, Colonialism, and disunion on the Prairie-Plains and Eastern Plains, 1815-1861

Mark Bland
Senior Lecturer in English, DeMontfort University
Lester J. Cappon Fellow in Documentary Editing
The Poems and Prose of Ben Jonson

W. Martin Bloomer
Associate Professor of Classics, University of Notre Dame
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow

Toni Bowers
Associate Professor of English, University of Pennsylvania
Midwest Modern Language Association Fellow
Bearing False Witness: Deceit, Disguise, and Religious Resistance in British Writing and Cultures, 1661-1711

William Brooks
Reader in Music, University of York
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
In—and after—Flanders Fields

Christopher Cantwell
Ph.D. Candidate in History, Cornell University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Bodies of Worship: Gender, Religion, and Congregation amongst Chicago’s Working People, 1870-1910

Fernando Chavarria-Mugica
Ph.D. Candidate in History, European University Institute
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Collective identities, conflict management and cross-border relations: The clash of French and Spanish Basques in Newfoundland (1530-1700)

Marianne Constable
Professor of History and Law, University of California, Berkeley
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Chicago Husband-Killing and the “New Unwritten Law”

Carol Dickson
Teacher of English, The Putney School
Short-Term Fellow in the History of Cartography
Making Space: Women Teaching Geography in Nineteenth-Century America

Michael Eisenberg
Lecturing Artist in Music, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Keyboard “Seconda Pratica” in Transmission: The Copper-Engraved Toccata Publications of Girolamo Frescobaldi

Alice Fahs
Associate Professor of History, University of California, Irvine
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Newspaper Women and the Making of the Modern, 1885-1910

Alessia Frassani
Ph.D. Candidate in Art History, City University of New York
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Art and Identity in Colonial Oaxaca. Dominicans, Spaniards, and Mixtecs at the Convento of Yanhuitlan

Lisa Freeman
Associate Professor of English, University of Illinois at Chicago
British Academy Exchange Fellow
Antitheatricality and the Body Public: From the Renaissance to the NEA

Nicholas Fisher
Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of English Studies, University of London
British Academy Exchange Fellow
The Preparation of a Bibliography of the Work of John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester

Randall Goldberg
Ph.D. Candidate in Music, Indiana University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Vincenzo Galilei: Practical Solutions to Theoretical Problems

Marty Gould
Adjunct Assistant Professor of English, University of Iowa
British Academy Exchange Fellow
Role Britannia: Theatricality and Empire in the Victorian Period

Jon Hegglund
Assistant Professor of English, Washington State University
Short-Term Fellow in the History of Cartography
World Views: Literature and Geography Against the Nation-State

Isabelle His
Professor of Music, Université de Poitiers
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Two Music Theory Treatises of the Seventeenth Century

Andrew J.M. Irving
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Notre Dame
École des Chartes Exchange Fellow
Gospel Books as Ritual Objects in Eleventh-Century Montecassino

Michelle Kaiserlian
Ph.D. Candidate in Art History, Indiana University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Artistic Responses to the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám in Great Britain and the United States, c. 1900-1940

Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark
Ph.D. Candidate in American Studies, University of Minnesota
Committee on Institutional Cooperation Graduate Student Fellow
“We Think Our Country is a Large Matter to Us”: Expressions of Anishinaabe Land Tenure in Treaty-Making

Eun-Young Kim
Archiviste Paléographe, École des Chartes
École des Chartes Exchange Fellow
The Written Production of French Catholic Missionaries in Korea (19th c.)

Patricia J. King
M.A. Candidate in History, Northern Arizona Univeristy
Frances C. Allen Fellow
Saving Grace: Conflict and Conciliation Between American Indians and the Christian Church, 1830-1970

Rosalyn R. LaPier
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Montana
Frances C. Allen Fellow
Blackfeet Cosmology and the Natural World

Jennifer Luff
Campaign Coordinator, Service Employees International Union
Arthur Weinberg Fellow
Judas Exposed: Labor Spies in the United States

Cheryl A. Metoyer
Chief Academic Affairs Officer, Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation / Associate Professor, University of Washington, Seattle
Rockefeller Foundation Fellow in the Humanities
Native American Systems of Knowledge Curriculum Development Project

Richard A. Monette
Associate Professor of Law, University of Wisconsin
Rockefeller Foundation Fellow in the Humanities
History of the Bureau of Indian Affairs

Julianne Newmark
Instructor of English, University of New Mexico
South Central Modern Language Association Fellow
Neonativism and the Society of American Indians: Responses to Nativism in the Letters and Papers of Carlos Montezuma and Charles and Elaine Eastman

Carmen Nocentelli
Assistant Professor of English, University of New Mexico
Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel Fellow
Islands of Love: Europe, “India,” and Interracial Desire, 1572-1673

Chantal M. Norrgard
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Minnesota
Committee on Institutional Cooperation Graduate Student Fellow
“The Chippewa Indian Was Always Self Supporting”: Ojibwe Work and Subsistence in Transformation in the Lake Superior Region, 1870-1942

Gillian O’Brien
Lecturer in the School of History and Archives, University College Dublin/IES Dublin
Institute for the International Education of Students Faculty Fellow
Newspaper Coverage of Ireland and the Irish, 1850-1890. Chicago: A Case Study

Wayne Osborn
Ph.D. Candidate in Communications, University of California, San Diego
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
The Type of Arabic Letters: Calligraphy, Typography, and the Uses of the Arabic Alphabet

Theda Perdue
Professor of History, University of North Carolina
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Indians in the Segregated South, 1865-1965

Scott Randolph
Ph.D. Candidate in History, Purdue University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Hope, Conflict and (re)Negotiation: Reading the Transportation Crisis of 1917 across the Political Economy of the 20th Century

Melissa L. Rohde
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Committee on Institutional Cooperation Graduate Student Fellow
Working the “Enchanted Summer Land”: Contesting Native American Labor, Politics, and Identities Through Tourism, 1880-1940

Paul Rosier
Assistant Professor of History, Villanova University
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
“The Eyes of the World Are Upon Our Nation”: Native Americans in a Post-War World

Daniel Sheerin
Professor of Classics, University of Notre Dame
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
A Study of the Fortunes of the “Distichs of Cato” for the Catalogus translationum et commentariorum. Medieval and Renaissance Latin Translations and commentaries. Annotated lists and guides.

Cristina Stanciu
Ph.D. Candidate in English, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Committee on Institutional Cooperation Graduate Student Fellow
The Makings and Unmakings of Americans: Indians and Immigrants in American Literature and Culture, 1880-1934

Kirilka Stavreva
Associate Professor of English, Cornell College
British Academy Exchange Fellow
‘Words Like Daggers’: Injurious Female Speech in Early Modern England

Jenny E. Tone-Pah-Hote
Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Minnesota
Committee on Institutional Cooperation Graduate Student Fellow
Envisioning Nationhood: Kiowa Expressive Culture, 1900-1945

D. Anthony Tyeeme Clark
Assistant Professor of American Indian Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner Fellow
Roots of Red Power: American Indian Protest and Resistance, from Wounded Knee to Chicago

Joanne van der Woude
Ph.D. Candidate in English, University of Virginia
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Towards a Transatlantic Aesthetic: Immigration, Translation, Mourning in the Seventeenth Century

Núria Vilanova
Instructor in Communication, IES Barcelona
Institute for the International Education of Students Faculty Fellow
Hispanic Societies and Transatlantic Perspectives

Daniel Wakelin
Fellow and Lecturer in English, Christ’s College, University of Cambridge
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
Corrections in Middle English: a survey of three poems

Stuart David Willis
Ph.D. Candidate in History, Michigan State University
Committee on Institutional Cooperation Graduate Student Fellow
“He Felt Himself Far Above the Negro,” Native American Slaveholders and the Moravian Brethren: Reinterpreting Indian Slavery

Amit Yahav-Brown
Lecturer in English, University of Haifa
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Fellow
Moments; or, Time and the Novel

Mary Zundo
Ph.D. Candidate in Art History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Short-Term Fellow in the History of Cartography
Mapping Destiny: Cartography and Nineteenth-Century American Art of the Frontier

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More than 600 years of human history are waiting to be discovered in the Newberry's reading rooms, exhibition galleries, classrooms, and event spaces.

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The Newberry holds millions of sources that chronicle personal stories and historic moments across time.

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