
Announcing: Viva la Libertad!

The Newberry Library and its partners announce the launch of ¡Viva la Libertad!, an exhibition and series of public programs bringing together scholars, writers, artists, and community members to explore the independence struggles of the Americas and reflect on their legacies today.

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Viva La Libertad

The Newberry Library and its partners announce the launch of ¡Viva la Libertad!, an exhibition and series of public programs bringing together scholars, writers, artists, and community members to explore the independence struggles of the Americas and reflect on their legacies today.

Looking back on the Age of Revolutions 200 years ago in Latin America and the United States, ¡Viva la Libertad! examines how new countries emerged from colonial rule, who gained freedom and who was left behind, and why so many are still fighting for liberty, racial justice, and democracy.

The exhibition opens April 2 at the Newberry. The series of programming begins April 24 with a virtual event exploring the latest scholarship on the Age of Revolutions in the Americas.

Other upcoming programs include:

Admission to the exhibition is free. All are invited to register for the programs in advance.

¡Viva la Libertad! is being coordinated by the Newberry Library in partnership with the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, the National Museum of Mexican Art, Illinois Humanities, and Instituto Justice and Leadership Academy.

The project has been made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy demands wisdom.

The exhibition is made possible through the generous support of the Carl & Marilynn Thoma Art Foundation.


La Biblioteca Newberry y sus colaboradores comunican el lanzamiento de ¡Viva la Libertad!, una serie de programas públicos y una exposición que reúne a académicos, escritores, artistas y miembros de la comunidad para investigar las luchas por la independencia de las Américas y reflexionar sobre su legado en la actualidad.

La exposición se inaugura el 2 de abril en la Newberry. La serie de programas comienza el 24 de abril con un evento virtual que destaca las últimas investigaciones realizadas sobre la Era de las Revoluciones en las Américas.

Otros programas próximos:

La entrada a la exposición es gratuita. Se invita a todos a inscribirse en los programas con antelación.

Los programas y exposición relacionados con ¡Viva la Libertad! han sido coordinados por la Biblioteca Newberry en colaboración con la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, el Museo Nacional de Arte Mexicano, la organización Illinois Humanities, y Instituto Justice and Leadership Academy.

El proyecto ha sido posible en parte gracias a una importante subvención del National Endowment for the Humanities: La democracia exige sabiduría. La exposición es posible gracias al generoso apoyo de la Carl & Marilynn Thoma Art Foundation.

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