Awarded Fellowships
The 2024-25 Newberry Fellows
Long-Term Fellows
Mimi Cheng
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Art History
Hayley Cotter
The Monticello College Foundation Fellowship for Women and the Mellon Foundation Fellow
Lecturer in Literature at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
Iyaxel Cojti Ren
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Texas at Austin
Wietse de Boer
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Phillip R. Shriver Professor of History at Miami University
Enrique García Santo-Tomás
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow and Audrey Lumsden Kouvel Fellow
Frank P. Casa Collegiate Professor of Spanish at the University of Michigan
Anastazja Grudnicka
Evelyn Dunbar and Ruth Dunbar Davee Fellow
Postdoctoral Scholar of History at European University Institute
Ryan Hall
Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
Associate Professor of History at Colgate University
Gregory Hitch
The Richard H. Brown/William Lloyd Barber Fellow
Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies at Lawrence University, Wisconsin
Matthew Kilbane
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Assistant Professor of Literature at the University of Notre Dame
Gloria Moorman
Mellon Foundation Fellow
AHRC Research Associate, Universities of Oxford and Manchester
Fellow, Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, University of Warwick
Blaire Morseau
Newberry Consortium in American Indian and Indigenous Studies and Mellon Foundation Fellow
Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Michigan State University
Barbara Mundy
The David L. Wagner Distinguished Fellow
Professor of Art History and Martha and Donald Robertson Chair in Latin American Art at Tulane University
Josefrayn Sánchez-Perry
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
Assistant Professor of Theology and Religious Studies at Loyola University Chicago
Jazma Sutton
The Lloyd Lewis Fellow in American History
Assistant Professor of History at Miami University
Short-Term Fellows and Research Awards
Dane Allard
Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner Fellow
PhD Candidate in History at the University of British Columbia
Jacob Barton
Arthur and Janet Holzheimer Fellow in the History of Cartography
PhD Candidate in the School of Education at the University of California, Berkeley
Mónica Ramírez Bernal
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
PhD Candidate in History at Columbia University
Carl Callaway
Lester J. Cappon Fellow Documentary Editing
Associate Professor of Art History at Austin Community College
Jess Cavalari
American Society for Environmental History Fellowship
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Washington
Kai Chase
Newberry Consortium in American Indian and Indigenous Studies Graduate Research Award
PhD Candidate in Literature at Northwestern University
Benjamin Clingman
Newberry Consortium in American Indian and Indigenous Studies Graduate Research Award
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Colorado at Boulder
David Correia
Adele Hast Fellow in American History
Professor of History at the University of New Mexico
Marc Dadigan
Newberry Consortium in American Indian and Indigenous Studies Graduate Research Award
PhD Candidate in Native American Studies at the University of California, Davis
Teagan Dreyer
Newberry Consortium in American Indian and Indigenous Studies Graduate Research Award
PhD Student of History at Oklahoma State University
Kristin Enright
Newberry Library Consortium for Renaissance Studies Graduate Fellow
PhD candidate in Art History at the University of Colorado, Boulder
Ashley Everson
John S. Aubrey Fellow
PhD Candidate in Africana Studies at Brown University
Jose Estrada
Newberry Library Consortium for Renaissance Studies Faculty Fellow
Assistant Professor of Literature at Carnegie Mellon University
Jessica Fremland
Frances C. Allen Fellow
PhD Candidate in Social and Political Sciences at the University of California Los Angeles
Allison Gibeily
Lawrence Lipking Fellow
PhD Candidate in Literature at Northwestern University
Allie Goodman
Adele Hast Fellow in American History
PhD Candidate in History at the University of Michigan
Peter Haskin
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Fellow
PhD Candidate in History at Yale University
Kadin Henningsen
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
PhD Candidate in Literature at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Matthew Jeffries
Rylands Exchange Fellow
Professor of History at the University of Manchester
David Kerry
Newberry Consortium in American Indian and Indigenous Studies Graduate Research Award
PhD student of History at Yale University
Ekaterina Koposova
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium Fellow
PhD Candidate in Art History at Yale University
Emma Gagnon
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
PhD Candidate in Art History at the University of California, Santa Barbara
Hector Linares Gonzalez
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium Fellow
PhD Candidate in History at Pennsylvania State University
Génesis Mancheren Ab'äj
Arthur and Lila Weinberg Artist-in-Residence Fellow
Independent Researcher
Natália Pikli
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Associate Professor of Literature at Eötvös Loránd University
Mary Katherine Newman
Newberry Center For Renaissance Studies Graduate Fellow
PhD Candidate in Literature, Oxford University
Wanda Pillow
Society of Mayflower Descendents in the State of Illinois Fellow
Professor of History at the University of Utah
Karen Quandt
Midwest Modern Language Association Fellow
Associate Professor of Literature at Wabash College
Jason Reblando
Jan and Frank Cicero Artist-in-Residence Fellow
Assistant Professor of Photography at Illinois State University
Kara Roanhorse
Newberry Consortium in American Indian and Indigenous Studies Graduate Research Award
PhD Candidate in American Studies at the University of New Mexico
Shannah Rose
Anne Jacobson Schutte Fellow
PhD Candidate in Art History at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Rocio Sumillera
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Associate Professor of Literature at the Universidad de Granada
Ianick Takaes de Oliveira
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellow
PhD Candidate in Art History at the Bibliotheca Hertziana
Ashley West
Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Associate Professor of Art History at Temple University
Theodore Van Alst
Historical Fiction Artist-in-Residence Fellow
Professor of Literature at Portland State University
Micaela Wiehe
Newberry Consortium in American Indian and Indigenous Studies Graduate Research Award
PhD Candidate in History at the Pennsylvania State University
Nazera Wright
Fellow’s Fellow
Associate Professor of Literature at the University of Kentucky
Weiss-Brown Publication Subvention Recipients
Mayu Fujikawa
Senior Assistant Professor, Art History, Meiji University
Pennsylvania State University Press
Envisioning Diplomacy: Images of Japanese Ambassadors in Early Modern Europe
Asa Mittman
Professor, Art History, California State University, Chico
Pennsylvania State University Press
Cartographies of Exclusion: Anti-Semitic Mapping in Medieval England
Camille Serchuk
Professor, Art History, Southern Connecticut State University
Pennsylvania State University Press
Lies of the Land: Painted Maps in Late Medieval and Early Modern France
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