Event—Scholarly Seminars

Working Class History


Mapping Working Class History: Collaboration and Research Proposal

Working Class History

Mapping Working Class History: Collaboration and Research Proposal

Working Class History

For several years, Working Class History has been building an interactive global historical mapping platform. The map now has thousands of stories from our archive of labour history and history from below. Having experimented with a number of collaborations with educational institutions, we believe the map offers exciting opportunities for working with historians, students and researchers. In particular, we see potential pedagogical benefits for students as well as opportunities for bridging the gap between academic scholarship and public engagement. We would like to discuss the project, possibilities for collaboration and how it can benefit the study of people’s history.

Respondent: LaDale Winling, Virginia Tech


This event is free, but all participants must register in advance and space is limited. Please do not request a paper unless you plan to attend.

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About the Labor History Seminar

The Newberry Labor History Seminar provides a forum for works in progress that explore the history of working class people, communities, and culture; class and state policy; unions and popular political movements; and other related topics. Co-coordinators are Peter Cole (Western Illinois University), Colleen Doody (DePaul University), Liesl Orenic (Dominican University), and Elizabeth Tandy Shermer (Loyola University Chicago).


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