Event—Adult Education

Solvent-Free Relief Printmaking at Home


Relief printmaking doesn’t have to be expensive or dangerous. Learn three methods for making your own prints at home.

Actaeon (2021), a linoleum-cut artist book, by Hannah Batsel (http://www.hannahbatsel.com/#/actaeon/)

Class Description

Relief printmaking has countless applications for illustration and book arts, but it can often require expensive equipment, dangerous solvents, and lots of studio space. In this workshop, printmaker and book artist Hannah Batsel will present three methods for relief printmaking at home using solvent-free materials and a small tabletop press — or even just a wooden spoon. She will also show some of her own artist books to demonstrate how the techniques we learn can be used in handmade book projects. Attendees will leave with a lino-cut print they pull in the demo as well as the knowledge to make their own prints at home.

Hannah Batsel is a book artist, writer, and illustrator based in Chicago, IL. Originally from Marietta, GA, Batsel received her BFA in Printmaking and Book Arts from the University of Georgia in 2011 and her MFA in the same from Columbia College Chicago in 2016. Her handmade artist book work can be found in library and museum collections around the country, and her mass-market picture book, A is for Another Rabbit, can be found wherever books are sold. She lives with her friends and partner in a spooky old house filled with books, taxidermy, and hundreds of houseplants.

Materials List

No required materials and no first reading assignment.

Cost and Registration

One session, $95 ($85.50 for Newberry members, seniors, and students). Learn about becoming a member.

To register multiple people for this class, please go through the course calendar in Learning Stream, our registration platform. When you select the course and register, you’ll be prompted to add another registrant.


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