Event—Scholarly Seminars

Katherine Benton-Cohen, Georgetown University


Arizona’s Chicano Generation and their Union Miner Parents

Morenci Miners 1941, The Library of Congress

Arizona’s Chicano Generation and their Union Miner Parents

Katherine Benton-Cohen, Georgetown University

This paper offers a genealogy of members of Arizona’s Chicano/a movement in the 1960s and 1970s, who also became the state’s first state-wide Mexican-American officeholders. But their parents deserve credit for teaching them about politics and activism. From the 1930s until the 1980s, Mexican-American copper workers organized unions and sought protection from the National Labor Relations Board and the Fair Employment Practices Commission to secure well-paid jobs and middle-class households. Their children were able to attend college and many of them transformed Arizona politics.

Respondent: Emiliano Aguilar, University of Notre Dame


This event is free, but all participants must register in advance and space is limited. Please do not request a paper unless you plan to attend.

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About the Labor History Seminar

The Newberry Labor History Seminar provides a forum for works in progress that explore the history of working class people, communities, and culture; class and state policy; unions and popular political movements; and other related topics. Co-coordinators are Peter Cole (Western Illinois University), Colleen Doody (DePaul University), Liesl Orenic (Dominican University), and Elizabeth Tandy Shermer (Loyola University Chicago).


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