Event—Scholarly Seminars

Daniel Geary, Trinity College, Dublin

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Daniel Geary. Mark Pigott Associate Professor in American History, Trinity College Dublin

This paper examines the early career of feminist icon Gloria Steinem, founder of Ms. magazine. It shows how Steinem's feminism was rooted in the left-liberal revival of the 1960s and 1970s. Steinem's feminism was rooted in a broader commitment to opposing militarism and fostering economic and racial equality. It will use Steinem as a means to forge a better understanding of "liberal" feminism, which has often wrongly been seen as merely concerned with upper-middle-class white women or as leading to neoliberalism.


This event is free, but all participants must register in advance. Space is limited, so please do not request a paper unless you plan to attend.

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About the History of Capitalism Seminar Series

This seminar is a forum for works-in-progress in the history of capitalism, broadly defined. We seek proposals from scholars at all levels. These proposals may consider a variety of subjects, including the history of race and racism, gender and feminist studies, intellectual history, political history, legal history, business history, the history of finance, labor history, cultural history, urban history, and agricultural history.


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