Our Sisters in Spirit, Directed by Nick Printup (Onondaga & Algonquin)
Our Sisters in Spirit explores the question of calling a national public inquiry into the issue of missing and
murdered indigenous women & girls in Canada or whether there may be a better approach.
Run time: 35 minutes
Song of the Blue Bird, Directed by Xstine Cook (Cree)
Using spray paint on a fence and garage where Aboriginal mother and grandmother Gloria Black Plume
was brutally murdered in 1999, Cree artist Jesse Gouchey paints a large scale animation of a bluebird in
flight. The beauty and freedom of the bluebird's motion is contrasted with remembrances of Gloria's
surviving family members, who give an emotional glimpse of a woman lost to violence and the injustice of
the legal system. 'Spirit of the Bluebird' is a fitting tribute to a woman who embodied the bluebird spirit
and speaks to deeper themes of the ongoing mistreatment of Canada's Aboriginal peoples by the criminal
justice system, and the long term negative effects of the Residential School system. Music by Kainai singer
Jonathan Tall Man, Gloria Black Plume's gifted nephew, weaves effortlessly throughout.
Run time: 5 minutes 45 seconds
Battles, Directed by Karen Pinette Fontaine
At nightfall, Karen decides to leave the party where a friend is in the process of losing herself: a life
metaphor, this battlefield.
Run time: 3 minutes 42 seconds
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