Event—Adult Education

Chicago Art and Artists: 1950 - the Present

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Explore how Chicago became a hub for the imagist art movement beginning in the 1950s.

Ed Paschke speaking to a student in his Howard Street Studio, ca. 1986. Source: HunterOHale, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Class Description

Beginning in the 1950s, Chicago became known for figurative art—what we now call “Imagism.” This class will explore the development of the figurative tradition in Chicago, beginning with works we will compare to Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art being produced in New York, and continuing through to the contemporary era.

While the figurative tradition still is vibrant in the city, we will also consider abstract works by Chicago artists. Throughout, the course will cover painting, sculpture, photography, and mixed media work as well as topical social issues.

Susan Musich spent most of her career at the Museum of Contemporary Art, where she gave lectures and tours and taught art history. Currently, she teaches art history, writes criticism, consults for foundations, and manages EXPO CHICAGO’s tour program.

Materials List

No required materials or first reading.

Cost and Registration

This class is full, but you can still register for the waitlist on Learning Stream.

Four sessions, $195 ($175.50 for Newberry members, seniors, and students). Learn about becoming a member.

To register multiple people for this class, please go through the course calendar in Learning Stream, our registration platform. When you select the course and register, you’ll be prompted to add another registrant.

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