Event—Center for Renaissance Studies

2025 Institute in Spanish Paleography

Apply Here

Learn to read and transcribe 15th -18th-century documents from Spain and the Americas.

Official Copy of Royal Cedulas from the Real Cedulario of the Audiencia de Guatemala, c. 1559 (VAULT Ayer MS 1917)

The institute will provide participants with practical training in reading and transcribing documents written in Spain and Spanish America from the late fifteenth to the early eighteenth centuries. Reading proficiency in Spanish is required. 

Learn more about the instructor, J. Michael Francis.

Official Copy of Royal Cedulas from the Real Cedulario of the Audiencia de Guatemala, c. 1559 (VAULT Ayer MS 1917)

Application Information

Applications will be accepted online through Slideroom. 

This institute will take immediately prior to the 2025 Weeklong Intensive in Nahuatl/Nawat. Applicants may also apply to participate in that program. See the application form below for more information.

The application deadline is March 15, 2025.

Apply Here