Event—Center for Renaissance Studies

Cartooning the Medieval

Apply for Crossover Workshop

A symposium exploring the potential of comics and narrative art to create new opportunities for engaging with medieval culture.

[Apocalypsis Sancti Johannis], c. 1470 (VAULT folio Inc. 15)


This symposium will bring together medievalists and professional cartoonists to explore the potential of comics and narrative art to create new opportunities for diverse audiences outside academia to engage with medieval culture. By creating opportunities for conversation and collaboration between medieval scholars and professional cartoonists, this symposium will identify the interpretive spaces intentionally and unintentionally created by medieval sources, and imagine how comics can fill those spaces in ways that illuminate, explain, and provide access to the medieval past

This event is part of the celebration of the Centennial of the Medieval Academy of America in 2025, and is generously co-sponsored by the Academy through a Centennial Grant.

Original cartoons by Kristen Haas Curtis over Le miroir de humaine saluation, c. 1455 (VAULT Case MS 40).

Public Events

The events listed below are all free and open to the public. No registration in advance is required.

Thursday, June 5

4:30-4:45 pm  Welcoming Remarks

4:45-6:00 pm  Keynote Roundtable


Kristen Haas Curtis (University of Bern)

Patrick Murphy (Miami University Ohio)

Christopher Fletcher (Newberry Library)

6:00-7:00 pm  Reception

Friday, June 6

3:00-4:00 pm  Embedded Artist Show and Tell


Lucy Bellwood

Chris Schweizer 

Marnie Galloway

4:00-5:00 pm  Final Discussion


Crossover Workshop
Friday, June 6, 2025
9:30 am-2:30 pm


This hands-on workshop will bring together medievalists and cartoonists to learn from one another. Through curated conversations, a collaborative "Think and Draw" session, and interactive breakout groups, medievalists will be introduced to the basics of cartooning; cartoonists will be introduced to the basics of medieval studies; and both groups will learn what they can accomplish together. Participants in this workshop are welcome and encouraged to attend all other public symposium events.


The workshop is free and open to all, but space is limited. Participants will be chosen through a simple application process. The application deadline is Friday, April 11, 2025.

To submit an application, click the button below. If you have any questions about the workshop, send an email to fletcherc@newberry.org. 

Click Here to Apply