Event—Adult Education

Between Revolution and Empire: Art in France 1794-1804


This class will explore French art during this volatile decade, reflecting its artistic and social complexities, all of which changed again as Napoleon gradually consolidated power.

Oath of the Horatii by Jacques Louis David, 1784. Source: Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Class Description

France between its first Revolution and the establishment of the Napoleonic empire experienced dynamic artistic creativity against a backdrop of political instability and social flux. The art of Jacques-Louis David and his followers pushed the Neoclassical style to its limits, while women artists enjoyed unprecedented opportunities. 

This class will explore French art during this volatile decade, reflecting its artistic and social complexities, all of which changed again as Napoleon gradually consolidated power.

Jeff Nigro is a Research Associate in the Arts of the Ancient Mediterranean and Byzantium and an Adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Interpretation at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Materials List

  • Instructor-Distributed Materials

First Reading

  • The following article, recommended but not required reading, will be provided: Darcy Grimaldo Grigsby, “Nudity à la grecque in 1799,” The Art Bulletin Vol. 80, No. 2 (June 1998): pp. 311-335.

Cost and Registration

One session, $137 ($124, for Newberry members, seniors, and students). Learn about becoming a member.

To register multiple people for this class, please go through the course calendar in Learning Stream, our registration platform. When you select the course and register, you’ll be prompted to add another registrant.


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