Event—Center for Renaissance Studies

2025 Multidisciplinary Graduate Student Conference in Premodern Studies at the Newberry Library #NLGrad25

Call for Proposals

A congenial and generative conference for the next generations of premodern scholars.

Crucifixion scene from [Missal], Germany, c. 1250, f. 160v (VAULT Case MS 15).


This annual graduate student conference, organized and run by advanced doctoral students, has become a premier opportunity for emerging scholars to present papers, participate in discussions, and develop collaborations across all fields of classical, medieval, Renaissance, and early modern studies. Participants from a wide variety of disciplines find a supportive and collegial forum for their work, meet future colleagues from other institutions and disciplines, and become familiar with the Newberry and its resources.

The 2025 conference program will include sessions relating to career diversity, professionalization, and rare book presentations in addition to the workshops and conference panels.

Click here for the full call for proposals.

Submit a Proposal


Amber Bird, University of Alabama
Nathan Bonar, Claremont Graduate University
Sydnee Brown, University of Iowa
Katelyn Buis, University of Minnesota
Rebekkah Hart, Western Reserve University
Sam Holguin, Oklahoma State University
Sarah Sabol, Indiana University
Vivian Teresa Tompkins, Northwestern University
Emily White, Florida State University
Sharon Zhang, University of Pittsburgh